
OPtimal ENzyme - Estimates catalytically optimal modes of operations of enzymatic reactions

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpEn: Optimal Enzyme

This repository contains the workflow to framework to explore the catalytically optimal modes of operations of enzymatic reactions.

More information can be found in the Preprint on bioRxiv

The package is developed using python 3.6 and run in Docker (20.10.6) containers. Tested with solvers cplex (v12.8.0) and gurobi(v9.1.2) (default implemented on cplex_interface)

Recommended to be run in docker containers, with dedicated solver installed. Setting up the python API of cplex in case docker based installation is not used

Generated data used in the manuscript is available under data subfolder under hierarchical data format.


You will need to have Git-LFS in order to properly download some binary files:

git clone https://github.com/EPFL-LCSB/open.git /path/to/open
cd /path/to/open
git lfs install
git lfs pull

Further the following pip-python packages are required (can be found in detail in requirements.txt

  • optlang
  • cobra==0.17.1
  • numpy<=1.17.4
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • tables
  • sklearn
  • ipython
  • jedi==0.17.2
  • tqdm
  • scipy

Container-based install

You might want to use this program inside of a container. The docker/ subfolder has all the necessary information and source files to set it up.

cd open/docker

Building the docker image takes approximately 5 mins.


If container-based installation is not preferred you can also install this module from source using pip: For Python 3, you might have to use pip3 instead of pip

git clone https://github.com/EPFL-LCSB/open.git /path/to/open
pip3 install -e /path/to/open

The installation process should not exceed a minute if the requirements are installed. If they are not, it might take longer as the installer installs them first.

Quick start

As a demo following examples can be run inside IPython:

Optimal operating conditions for a 3-step MichaelisMenten mechanism please find below a simple example to get started:

from open.optim.LP_MILP_wpiecewise import *
import time
import pandas as pd

obj_primal_milp, variables_primal_milp, var_analysis = milp_problem_3step(gamma_overall, q=q_equilibrium,
                                                                      S=S_concentration, variability_analysis=False)
df_milp_variables = pd.DataFrame(variables_primal_milp, index=[0])
elapsed = time.time() - t
print('time for optimization', elapsed)

Similarly for ordered multisubstrate mechanism A+B-->P

from open.optim.LP_MILP_wpiecewise import *
import time
import pandas as pd


B_concentration = P_conc/(A_concentration*q_equilibrium*gamma_overall)

obj_primal_milp_4step, variables_primal_milp_4step,var_analysis = milp_problem_4step_biuni(gamma_overall, q=q_equilibrium,
                                                                                  S=A_concentration, P=P_conc,
df_milp_variables = pd.DataFrame(variables_primal_milp_4step,index=[0])


elapsed = time.time() - t
print('time for optim', elapsed)

And for random ordered multisubstrate mechanism A+B-->P

from open.optim.LP_MILP_random import *
import time
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A', 'B', 'P', 'q', 'alpha_max', 'alpha_min', 'v_net', 'gamma_ov'])
gamma_overall = P_concentration / A_concentration / q_equilibrium / B_concentration

t = time.time()
obj_primal_milp_4step_random_split, variables_primal_milp_4step_random_split, var_analysis_feasibility = milp_problem_4step_biuni_random_split_ratio(
    gamma_overall, q=q_equilibrium,
    S=A_concentration, P=P_concentration,
elapsed = time.time() - t
print('time for optimization', elapsed)
split_max = var_analysis_feasibility.loc['v_upper', 'maximum'] / obj_primal_milp_4step_random_split
split_min = var_analysis_feasibility.loc['v_upper', 'minimum'] / obj_primal_milp_4step_random_split
df_milp_variables_random_split = pd.DataFrame(variables_primal_milp_4step_random_split, index=[0])

values_to_add = {'A': A_concentration, 'B': B_concentration, 'P': P_concentration, 'q': q_equilibrium,
                 'alpha_max': split_max, \
                 'alpha_min': split_min, 'v_net': obj_primal_milp_4step_random_split, 'gamma_ov': gamma_overall}
row_to_add = pd.Series(values_to_add, name=str(0))
df = df.append(row_to_add)

Generating optimal operating conditions for one data point should take around 2-10 seconds depending on if variability analysis is performed or not

Reproduction of Results

All results can be reproduced according to the codes provided in the projects subfolder. All figures can be reproduced using the generated data and the scripts in the figures subfolder.


The software in this repository is put under an APACHE licensing scheme - please see the LICENSE file for more details.