
Experimental protocol and results for the paper "Weakly Supervised Training for Hologram Verification in Identity Documents" accepted at ICDAR 2024 by Pouliquen et al.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Experimental protocol and results for the paper "Weakly Supervised Training for Hologram Verification in Identity Documents" accepted at ICDAR 2024 as a poster presentation by Pouliquen et al.

Weakly Supervised Training pipeline

How to launch all the xp

After creating a Python3 environement (was tested with python 3.9) you can install all requirements with

pip install -r requirements.txt

The results were obtained using python3.9 and the requirements jobs/requirements-exact.txt using one NVIDIA RTX A5000.

Generate the datasets

First download MIDV Holo and clips from MIDV 2020 datasets.

then copy markup, images from MIDV Holo to data/midv-holo and dataset/clips from MIDV 2020 to data/midv-2020/clips
You should have:

├── midv-2020
│   └── clips
│       ├── annotations
│       ├── images
├── midv-holo
│   ├── images
│   │   ├── fraud
│   │   └── origins
│   └── markup
│       ├── fraud
│       └── origins

Finally you can use the scripts jobs/dataset/generate_data_midvholo.sh and jobs/dataset/generate_data_midvholo.sh that will extract the datasets.
They will create two new directories for each of the datasets: rectified and crop_ovds.

# activate the python environement
bash jobs/dataset/generate_data_midvholo.sh
bash jobs/dataset/generate_data_midv2020.sh

launch experiments

Launch the scripts from the jobs directory to reproduce all the experiments:

  • baseline: MIDV Holo approach (re-implemention of the original MIDV Holo paper, see: https://github.com/SmartEngines/midv-holo)

    • calibrate_baseline_fulldoc_nosplit.sh: full document, decision "cumulative", unsplit MIDV-Holo dataset (original configuration proposed in the MIDV Holo paper)
      Along with some variations, more in line with our proposed approach:
    • calibrate_baseline_fulldoc_cumulative.sh: full document, decision "cumulative"
    • calibrate_baseline_cumulative.sh: specific ROI, decision "cumulative"
    • calibrate_baseline.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video"
  • wsl: Our proposed Weakly Supervised Method:

    • train_mobilevit.sh: specific ROI, both decision mode, using a mobilevit.
    • train_resnet.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video", using a resnet.
    • train_mobilenet.sh : specific ROI, decision "whole video", using a mobilenet
    • train_mobilenet_small_50_noaugment.sh : specific ROI, no augmentation, decision "whole video", using a mobilenet
    • train_mobilenet_small_50_onlyorigins.sh : specific ROI, trained only on origins, decision "whole video", using a mobilenet
    • train_mobilevit.sh : specific ROI, both decision mode, using a mobilevit.
    • train_mobilevit_xxs_noaugment.sh : specific ROI, no augmentation, decision "whole video", using a mobilevit
    • train_mobilevit_xxs_onlyorigins.sh : specific ROI, trained only on origins, decision "whole video", using a mobilevit
    • train_resnet18.sh : specific ROI, decision "whole video", using a resnet
    • train_resnet18_noaugment.sh : specific ROI, no augmentation, decision "whole video", using a resnet18
    • train_resnet18_onlyorigins.sh : specific ROI, trained only on origins, decision "whole video", using a resnet18
    • imagenet.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video", based on each of the 3 model archi (untrained, ImageNet initial weights).
  • classifier: Binary classifer (to test naive baseline):

    • mobilenet.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video"
    • mobilevit.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video"
    • resnet18.sh: specific ROI, decision "whole video"

Those jobs were launched using:

  • one GPU (NVIDIA RTX A5000) and 5 cpus per job for wsl and classifer
  • 30 cpus for the baseline jobs


Retrieve the results and format them : notebooks/export_test_results.ipynb
A csv file is provided to verify the results presented in the paper and some results were copied in markdown for an easier verification without having to run the notebook.

Proposed Weakly supervised method

Training deep learning models

Possible configurations :

  • wsl : Weakly Supervised Learning
  • classifier: Naive binary classifier

Possible architectures (pretrained on imagenet) :

  • resnet
  • mobilenetv3
  • mobilevit
  • any model from timm
python train.py --config-name=wsl +experiment=wsl/resnet18

Decision threshold calibration

Will find the best params if tuner: True (by default) else runs with the params that were passed for our deeplearning models (wsl and classification) it uses only the val set

python calibration.py --config-name=wsl +experiment=wsl/resnet18


Retrieves the best run from the task_name on the train or validation dataset: one with the best fscore use this model and params to run on test set

python test.py --config-name=wsl +experiment=wsl/resnet18

This example will only run on the split k0 (default) but all experiments in jobs are runned on 5 splits (k0 to k4 in data/splits_kfold_s0) except the reproduction of the MIDV Holo baseline that is runned on the whole dataset.

MIDV holo baseline

Midv Holo baseline reproduction


You can specify the parameters that you want to test:

python calibration.py --config-name=midv_baseline --multirun '+experiment=midv_baseline_fulldoc' 'decision.th=0.01' 'model.s_t=30,40,50' 'model.T=range(0,250,10)' "decision=cumulative"

A run with the exact same parameters will not be rerun

Later to test the best parameters

python test.py --config-name=midv_baseline --multirun '+experiment=midv_baseline_fulldoc' "decision=cumulative"


Results on the train/test splits can be retrieved using notebooks/export_test_results.ipynb

Results of the reproduction of MIDV Holo (no split)

python calibration.py --config-name=midv_baseline -m +experiment=midv_baseline/midv_baseline_nosplit "model.T=range(0,250,10)" "model.s_t=30,40,50" "decision.th=0.01,0.02,0.03"

Retrieval of the results of the reproduction of MIDV Holo baseline: notebooks/AUC_baseline.ipynb


In notebooks/visualisation two notebooks are present allowing to:

  • visualize integrated gradient of the trained models : notebooks/visualisation/model-interpretation.ipynb
  • visualize the transforms that were used for the wsl model (and binary classifiers) : notebooks/visualisation/visu_transforms.ipynb


The framework was built using Hydra (documentation) and MLflow for logging experiments.