Тренинг РАЗРАБОТКА СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ВЕБ-ПРИЛОЖЕНИЙ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ASP.NET И MICROSOFT AZURE это прекрасная возможность изучить, углубить и систематизировать знания языка C#, а также основ платформы .NET Framework, которые используются при профессиональном проектировании и разработке программного обеспечения.

По окончании тренинга Вы будете уметь

  • проектировать и разрабатывать web-системы с использованием технологий ASP.NET MVC и Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • создавать приложения на языке программирования C#
  • строить архитектуру разрабатываемого приложения и разрабатывать код в соответствие с принципами ООП и SOLID
  • пользоваться средой разработки MS Visual Studio, а также дополнительным инструментарием для эффективного создания веб-приложений
  • настраивать взаимодействие Web-приложений с источниками данных (MS SQL)

Успешно освоившим программу всего тренинга будет предоставлена возможность начать карьеру в компании EPAM или продолжить обучение в EPAM .NET Lab.

Гибкая трехступенчатая программа и гибридный формат позволят планировать свой процесс обучения


Online stage (внешний)

  • возможность обучения для каждого, независимо от возраста, профессиональной занятости и места жительства;
  • продолжительность 1 - 1.5 месяца;
  • индивидуальная программа изучения и менторинг grow.by Программа вводного занятия;
  • online Q&A sessions - 1 раз в неделю (возможность просмотреть видеозапись);


  • Visual Studio. Visual Studio IDE documentation
    • Project types in VS.
  • Anatomy of a Simple Program.
    • Adding a Project to an Existing Solution.
    • Referencing One Project from Another.
    • Namespaces.
    • Program Entry Point.
  • A version control system git
  • Basic Coding in C#
    • Local Variables. Scope
    • Statements and Expressions
    • Comments and Whitespace
    • XML-comments. Сreating XML documentation. Sandcastle.
    • Intrinsic Data Types. Numeric Types. Numeric conversions. Booleans. Strings and Characters (preview). Object (preview).
    • Basic operators.
  • Methods in details
    • Declaration and call methods.
    • Naming conventions.
    • Overload Resolution.
    • Optional parameters and named arguments.
    • Passing arguments by value and by reference (ref, out, in). Static methods, static constructors.
    • Extension methods. Operator Overloading.
  • C# Unit Testing
    • Unit testing intro.
    • C# Unit Test Best Practices and Guidelines.
    • MS Unit Testing Framework.
    • NUnit Framework.


Offline stage (внешний)

  • зачисление по результатам Online stage и оnline теста;
  • продолжительность 2 месяцa;
  • периодичность и место проведения занятий - 2-3 раза в неделю по 4-5 академических часа по будням в учебных классах .NET Lab (ул. Купревича, 1/5) и совместной лаборатории БГУИР-EPAM (4-ый корпус БГУИР, ул. Гикало, 9);
  • материалы в открытом доступе на GitHub.


  • Creating types in C#
    • Value and Reference Types.
    • Classes vs Struct.
    • Boxing and Unboxing.
    • Naming conventions.
    • Static and instance class.
    • Type members - Fields, Constructors, Methods (Property, Indexers, Operators , Event - preview), Nested types. Enum.
  • Encapsulation. Inheritance. Polymorphism
    • Encapsulation. Access modifiers. Properties. Automatic properties. Indexers.
    • Inheritance.
    • Sealed Methods and Classes.
    • Special Base Types - System.ValueType, System.Enum. Virtual methods.
    • System. Object (Equals, GetHashCode, ToString and etc). Abstract methods.
    • Abstruct classes.
    • Interface Inheritance.
    • Dynamic.
    • Single dispatch and multiple dispatch.
  • Framework Fundamentals
    • String and Text Handling (String, StringBuilder).
    • Formatting and Parsing.
    • Dates and Times.
    • Equality Comparison - Standard Equality Protocols. Order Comparison.
    • IComparable versus Equals.
  • Exception Handling. Logging. NLog
    • Exception Sources. Exceptions from APIs, your code.
    • Handling exceptions and catch blocks.
    • Nested try blocks.
    • Finally blocks.
    • Throwing exceptions, rethrowing exceptions.
    • Exception types, custom exceptions and unhandled exceptions.
    • Logging and NLog .Net Framework.
    • Configuration (multiple targets, logger-specific routing).
  • Generics and Collections
    • Generic types.
    • Type constraints: reference type, value type, new(), type inference and etc.
    • Enumeration: IEnumerable, IEnumerator, IEnumerable and IEnumerator.
    • IEqualityComparer and EqualityComparer.
    • IStructuralEquatable and IStructuralComparable .
    • ICollection, IList and IDictionary<TKey,TValue> Interfaces.
    • Lists, Queues, Stacks, Sets and Dictionaries.
    • Customizable Collections and Proxies.
  • Delegates. Lambdas and Events
    • Delegate types.
    • Creating a delegate.
    • Multicast delegates.
    • Invoking a delegate.
    • Common delegate types.
    • Inline methods (anonymous function and lambda expression).
    • Delegates versus interfaces.
    • Captured variables.
    • Lambdas and expression trees.
    • Events. Standard event delegate pattern. Custom add and remove methods.
    • Events versus delegates.
  • Introduction to Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
    • LINQ-to-objects queries: Fluent Syntax and Query Operators.
    • Lambda expressions and Func signatures. Query Expressions.
    • Supporting Query Expressions. Deferred Evaluation. LINQ, Generics, and IQueryable.
    • Standard LINQ Operators: Filtering, Select, SelectMany, Ordering, Specific Items and Subranges. Set Operations. Joins.
    • Local Queries.
    • Interpreted Queries (IQueryable preview). Combining Interpreted and Local Queries.
  • Internal device types in .NET Framework. Resource management
    • .NET Framework Internals. WinDbg tool.
    • Garbage Collection. Optimization techniques.
    • Events and the Garbage Collector.
    • Weak References and Events.
    • Garbage Collection and Memory Consumption.
    • Finalizers.
    • IDisposable, Dispose, and Close. Рattern Dispose.
  • Streams and I/O
    • Stream Architecture.
    • Using Streams.
    • Stream Adapters, Stream Decorators.
    • File and Directory Operations.
  • XML Technologies
    • XML intro.э
    • Architectural Overview.
    • X-DOM Overview.
    • The LINQ to XML DOM. Instantiating an X-DOM.
    • Navigating and Querying. Updating an X-DOM.
    • Documents and Declarations.
    • Projecting into an X-DOM.
    • XmlReader. XmlWriter.
    • Patterns for Using XmlReader/XmlWriter.
    • XSD and Schema Validation. XSLTXSD, XSLT, XPath.
  • Serialization
    • Serialization Concepts.
    • Serialization mechanisms in the .NET Framework. Formatters.
    • The Data Contract Serializer.
    • The Binary Serializer.
    • XML Serialization. - Object Oriented Design Principles
    • Principles of software development.
    • SOLID principles.


.NET Lab Stage

  • зачисление по результатам Offline stage и интервью;
  • продолжительность 1 месяц;
  • статус сотрудника EPAM Systems;
  • стажировка в Production проектах
  • периодичность и место проведения занятий - в соответсвии с индивидуальной программой стажировки (ул. Купревича, 1/5);
  • материалы в открытом доступе на GitHub.


  • Threading and Synchronization
    • Overview and key concepts.
    • Thread. ThreadPool.
    • Synchronization Overview.
    • Exclusive Locking. The lock Statement. Monitor.
    • Mutexe. Semaphore.
    • More Advanced Locks.
    • Reader/Writer Locks.
    • Signaling with Events Signaling with Event Wait Handles. ManualResetEvent. AutuResetEvent.
  • Task Parallelism and Data Parallelism
    • Pros and Cons of Threads.
    • The Task Parallel Library.
    • Task Parallelism.
    • Data Parallelism.
  • Asynchronous Functions in C#
    • Asynchronous function C # 5.0.
    • The await Pattern.
    • Error Handling.
  • Attributes
    • Applying Attributes.
    • Defining and Consuming Custom Attributes.
  • ADO.NET intro
    • ADO.NET infrastructure.
    • The Data Provider Model.
    • Connected approach.
    • The SqlConnection Object.
    • The SqlCommand Object.
    • Reading Data with the SqlDataReader.
    • Disconnected approach – The DataSet and SqlDataAdapter.
    • Using Stored Procedures.
    • Entity Framework Basics.
    • Entity Framework Architecture.
    • Entity Framework development approaches Code First. Model First.
    • Database First.
  • The ASP.NET Platform Foundation
    • The ASP.NET Life Cycles.
    • Modules.
    • Handlers.
    • Disrupting the Request Life Cycle.
  • Overview of MVC Projects
    • Creating a New ASP.NET MVC Project.
    • The MVC Pattern.
    • Working with Visual Studio MVC Projects.
  • Controllers and Actions
    • Simulating the ASP.NET MVC runtime.
    • The URL routing HTTP module.
    • Application routes.
    • Aspects of a controller.
    • Writing controller classes.
    • Processing input data.
    • Producing action results.
    • Creating the first application.
  • Views
    • The mechanics of a view engine.
    • Definition of the view template.
    • Basic helpers.
    • Templated helpers.
    • Custom helpers, HTML helper and Ajax helper.
    • Inside the Razor view engine.
    • Modeling the view.
    • Advanced features.
  • The model-binding architecture
    • The input model.
    • Model binding.
    • Advanced model binding.
    • Model validation.
  • Ajax
    • View on AJAX.
    • Getting to know JavaScript libraries.
    • Performing simple HTML replacement.
    • Using JSON and XML responses.
  • The ASP.NET Platform Services
    • Configuration.
    • State Data.
    • Caching Data.
    • Caching Content.
    • Security in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Azure Cloud
    • Cloud Concepts
    • Core Cloud Services.
    • Cloud Web Development
    • Serverless Architecture
