
This project will create a Unix shell program capable of multiple piping.

Primary LanguageC

unix_shell project

This project implements a simple UNIX shell program that supports the execution of multiple commands chained by pipes (|) along with input/output redirection. The shell is capable of handling multiple pipes in a command, allowing users to create more complex command pipelines. It has been designed to mimic some functionalities of a traditional UNIX shell, providing a user-friendly way to interact with the system.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • GCC Compiler (or any compatible C compiler)
  • Linux/Unix Environment (as it uses fork, pipe and exec which are specific to UNIX-like systems)


  • Clone the repository or download the source files.
  • Navigate to the project directory.
  • Compile the source files using a C compiler:
gcc -o shell shell.c
  • Run the executable:


Once you run the executable, you can enter commands in the following format:

command1 [arg1 arg2 ...] [| command2 [arg1 arg2 ...]] [< input_file] [> output_file] [>> append_output_file] [&]
  • Pipe symbol to chain multiple commands. The output of the preceding command will be the input to the following command. |

  • Redirect input from a file. <

  • Redirect output to a file (overwrite if file exists). >

  • Append output to a file. >>

  • Run command in the background (not wait for it to finish). >>&

  • For example:

cat file.txt | grep "keyword" > output.txt

Code Structure

The project consists of three primary functions:

  • parse - Parses a command string to extract individual commands and their arguments, as well as input/output redirection specifications.
  • execute - Forks a new process to execute the parsed command or chain of commands.
  • execute_pipeline - Manages the execution of multiple commands connected by pipes.

Functions Documentation

int parse(char* s, char* argv[MAX_PIPE_COMMANDS][MAX_CMD_LINE_ARGS])

  • s: A string containing the entire command input.
  • argv: A 2D array to store the commands and their arguments.
  • Return: The number of commands parsed.
  • int execute(char* input)
  • input: A string containing the entire command input.
  • Return: 0 on success, -1 on failure.
  • void execute_pipeline(char* args[MAX_PIPE_COMMANDS][MAX_CMD_LINE_ARGS], int n)
  • args: A 2D array containing the commands and their arguments.
  • n: The number of commands to execute.


  • MAX_PIPE_COMMANDS: The maximum number of commands in a pipeline.
  • MAX_CMD_LINE_ARGS: The maximum number of arguments per command.



Erik Williams