
simple game in haskell using gloss (also has version on free-game)

Primary LanguageHaskellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GameNumber-gloss Build Status

GUI for GameNumber on graphics engine gloss

GameNumber is simple game with AI players


Key Effect
Left Click do action on cell
Right Click centering cell
F2 save game
F3 load game
p pause \ unpause
s shield action
+ increase game speed
- decrease game speed


Cell value - number in cell

Strength in cell - sum of values of all surrounding owned cells (without the cell)


Game played on board of 64x64 cell.

Number of players - 16 : human player + 15 AI

When game starts, each player owns a cell with a value of 1.

Players get a free points for a time proportional to the sum of the values of its cells.

Free points can be used for:

  1. one point actions
  • conquer unowned cells if player has some strength in it
  • increase value of owned cells (up to 9, limited by strength)
  • conquer others cell if player has greather strength
  • charge shield
  1. two point actions
  • attack non shielded cell (cell value decreased by 1)
  • attack shielded cell (target players free points decreased by 1, when it lesser that -10, shield stop working)


Shield protects players cell from attacks for cost of free points.

Shield must be charged up to 128 and then activated.

Activated shield can be disabled to accumulate free points and then turned back on without spending free points.

Building GameNumber-gloss

''' git clone https://github.com/EPashkin/gamenumber-gloss.git git submodule update --init --recursive ./init-sandbox.sh cabal install ''' After build you can 'cabal run' or 'gamenumber-gloss' to launch game