
42 Lyon Project - tmpsh is re-implementation shell posix interpretor

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Tmpsh - Total Mastering Professional Shell || Temporary Shell

42 Lyon Project

tmpsh is a project of creating shell.


To see any builtin's option, see the commentary above the function definition.

  • echo : Write to stdout.
  • cd : Change directory.
  • exit : Quit the shell process.
  • type : Description of command type.
  • export : Export variables to environnement.
  • setenv : Set or display environnement variables.
  • unsetenv : Remove environnement variables.
  • set : Set or display local variables.
  • jobs : Display background jobs.
  • fg : Set jobs in foreground.
  • bg : Launch stopped jobs in background.
  • alias : Set or display aliases.
  • unalias : Unset aliases.
  • hash : Remember or report utility locations.
  • pwd : display working directory

Shell Grammar




Generic format : [n]<redir-operetor> <word>

  • [n]>word : redirect output
  • [n]<word : redirect input
  • [n]>>word : appending redirect output
  • Here-Document :
  • <<< word : here-strings
  • [n]<&word: duplicating an input file descriptor
  • [n]>&word: duplicating an output file descriptor


Variables specifications

  1. Variables use = and += operator to assign or concatenate, respectively, a variable.
  2. Assignation can contain spaces, like my_var = my_value.
  3. Multiple variable can be set at once : var=value [var=value ...]
  4. Temporary environnement variables can be set for a command : HOME=/ cd
  5. If a substitution is performed, split string in mutliple argument, except if the substitution is the value of an assignation.

Available substitutions

  • $WORD or ${WORD}: Replace variable.
  • $() : Perform a command substitution.
  • <() or >() : Perfom a process substitution.

Special variables

  • ? : Return of the last command.
  • ! : Pid of the last backgrounded command.
  • $ : Pid of the shell process.
  • ~ : Home of the given user.

Edition shortcut

  • Clipboard

  • Ctrl + w : cut the previous word.

  • Ctrl + n : cut the next word.

  • Ctrl + l : cut the line.

  • Ctrl + p : paste.

  • Navigation

  • home or Ctrl + a : jump at the beginning of the line.

  • end or Ctrl + e : jump at the end of the line.

  • Alt + up : Move one line up.

  • Alt + down : Move one line down

  • Alt + left : Move one word left.

  • Alt + right : Move one word right.

  • Process Management

  • Ctrl + c : ?

  • Ctrl + d : ?

  • Ctrl + \ : ?

  • Ctrl + z : Set shell in background.

The upkey and the downkey are used for the history navigation.