
This lib allow to store files in telegram chat and access them by key. For it use TelegramFilesCloud class. Caching included.

Metadata can be saved in one telegram file too, use class TelegramStorage. It can store objects and return them by key.

With all caching options enabled you can use files with local file systen speed, but they will be synced to telegram. See samples/IRO.Samples.FileStorageWebApi.



Telegram.Bot.AspNetPipeline is library, based on popular Telegram.Bot, that allow developer to use many ASP.NET features to write telegram bots. And more, it also can make telegram bots development as simple as console applications development (see ImprovedBot).

Which features added:

  • Message processing pipeline based on same UpdateContext.
  • IOC just like in ASP.NET. Using it you can replace almost any default service with yours implemention.
  • Controllers and routing with templates, order, UpdateType and custom routers.
  • Model binding.
  • Async requests processing.
  • Many extensions to make development simpler.
  • ReadMessageAsync extension based on chat context. See ImprovedBot.

Quick start

You can use default initialization when start work with library. All that you need - create any application and paste code below.

        var bot = new TelegramBotClient("<token>");
        var botManager = new BotManager(bot);
        botManager.ConfigureServices((servicesWrap) =>
        botManager.ConfigureBuilder(builder =>

Now it will support all main features (all that you can access in controolers).

Create controller class, inherit BotController. Write some method and mark it with BotRouteAttribute. NOTE: All used in routing methods must return Task.

    public class BotFatherController : BotController
        [BotRoute("/newbot", UpdateType.Message)]
        public async Task NewBot()

Here you can see how would look telegram @BotFather command /newbot using Telegram.Bot.AspNetPipeline:

    public class BotFatherController : BotController
        [BotRoute("/newbot", UpdateType.Message)]
        public async Task NewBot()
            await UpdateContext.SendTextMessageAsync("Enter bot name: ");
            var msg = await BotExt.ReadMessageAsync();
            var name = msg.Text;
            await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat.Id, "Enter bot nikname: ");
            msg = await BotExt.ReadMessageAsync();
            var nick = msg.Text;

            //Creating bot started...
            //If operation is too long, you can use CancellationToken to calcel it when cancellation requested, just like ReadMessageAsync do.
            //Creating bot finished...

            await Bot.SendTextMessageAsync(Chat.Id, "Bot created.");

Full code and more examples you can see in samples folder. I really recommend to do it, in quick start was shown small part of the functionality.

See also my other libraries.


Here information about how to build and about codestyle.

How it works?