
Youtube video downloader for telegram , written in .NET 5

Primary LanguageC#

Youtube video downloader written in .NET 5


  • Save sent videos unique file id in a database for later uses
  • Improve VideoQueueJob
  • Add help command

Running on local

  1. First of all you will need to download and install ngrok
  2. Fire up your ngrok using command ngrok http 8443 (Note: Telegram API only supports ports 443, 80, 88 or 8443) you can put one of them instead of 8443
  3. ngrok will give you a temporary domain that's forwarded to your machine running asp.net core, get that link in your ngrok console (your SHOULD use the https one) and set your webhook to that url
  4. Now it's time to tell our project to listen on the port you used in Step 2, open Program.cs and put your port in line 24
  5. Set your bot's token in appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json
  6. Build and start the bot :)

How to set Webhook

From ngrok you get an URL to your local server. It’s important to use the https one. You can post this url als form-data (key: url, value: https://yoursubdomain.ngrok.io/api/update) to the telegram api. https://api.telegram.org/botYourBotToken/setWebhook Be aware of the bot prefix in front of your bot token in the URL.