E.R.A. - Espinosa Rozov Alexander - python developer.

Cloud Store project - keep your files safe.

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In this github repository is only part of a store cloud project, Checkout frontend part:

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About the project.

This is a web application that functions as a cloud storage system. The application will allow users to view, upload, send, download, and rename files.:

  • The cloud storage interface displays files uploaded by the user with key information: file name, comment, size, upload date, and last download date.
  • For each file, the following operations are available: delete, rename, view (in the browser or by downloading to a local disk), copy a special link to the file for granting access to other users or using it as a resource in web applications.
  • All pages of the application contain a navigation menu that changes based on the user’s authentication status: “Login”, “Logout”, and “Register” buttons. etc.

Additionally, there is an Administrative Section. The administrative interface includes the following functions:

  • User registration — with validation of input data to meet the requirements described above.
  • Retrieve the list of users.
  • Delete a user.
  • User authentication.
  • User logout.


SkillIcons PYTHON - Django
SkillIcons JS - React

SkillIcons PostgreSQL

Additional tech:
SkillIcons GIT
SkillIcons DOCKER
SkillIcons Linux

SkillIcons HTML
SkillIcons CSS

To start backend part of project:

To facilitate the project setup, a working Dockerfile, Docker Compose file, and scripts for proper project initialization have been prepared.

  • Download the project.
  • Configure the .env file (an example is provided in .env-example).
  • run docker-compose up -d

THE project was tested by MacOS environment

Creating the First Administrator

To set up the first administrator for the application, follow these steps:

  1. Set the Administrator Password:

    • Ensure the password for the administrator is specified in the .env file.
  2. Use the Endpoint:

    • Endpoint: POST http://localhost:8000/api/create-admin/
  3. Required Parameters:

    • username: The username for the new administrator.
    • email: The email address for the new administrator.
    • password: The password for the new administrator (must be set in the .env file).
    • code: A verification code required for creating the administrator.
  4. Example Request:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/create-admin/ \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
        "username": "admin",
        "email": "admin@example.com",
        "password": "your_password_here",
        "code": "verification_code"

    Alternatively, you can use Postman or a similar tool to send the request.

This request will create the first administrator for the application.

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