
A repo created for WalletSecure, a program calpable of destroying any crypto related malware

Wallet Secure

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WalletSecure, by PlagueRat


We've all been there before, you transfer some ETH to your Metamask wallet and in a second its gone.
After loosing a lot of my hard earned money to malware and malicious smart contracts, I decided to write something that would prevent this in the future.
That's when WalletSecure was created. At first I made it just for myself but after reading all those threads on wallet forums and Reddit of people complaining about how their money was stolen, I decided to release the program as a closed source tool (closed source so people don't reverse engineer my code and create exploits that bypasses it), calpable of preventing and stopping all forms of crypto scams. I have received many offers to sell my code from several reputable companies but I have declined all of them. I want the whole world to enjoy the blockchain without that constant fear of disaster.

🔰 〢 Features

✔ Detects all Crypto related malware
✔ Prevents future infections from new bug exploits
✔ Updated very frequently
✔ Can detect and remove Remote Access Tools (RATs)
✔ Very low CPU usage
✔ Reasonably low size ~~6mb\

🏃 〢 Getting started with WalletSecure!

Downloading as zip

  • Press the big green code button at the top right of the screen, it says code
  • Click on download ZIP
  • Extract the ZIP file, it's called WalletSecure ...
  • Open the extracted folder
  • Run install.bat
  • Done!

🎉 〢 Ideas/todo?

  • Prevent accidental flagging by other Antivirus programs
  • Better malware detection
  • Option to give a prompt when a malicious smart contract is called, instead of simply declining the transaction

🐛 〢 Known Issues

  • Slow installation speed
  • Program is sometimes flagged by certain antiviruses (like avast! and AVG)

💭 〢 ChangeLog

v0.0.4 ⋮ 2022-07-04
+ Loads of bug fixes
+ Cleaner code

v0.0.3 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Cleaner code

v0.0.2 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Bug fixes

v0.0.1 ⋮ 2022-05-09
+ Official release