clearing of `HighsCallbackDataIn`

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I am wondering if HighsCallback::clearHighsCallbackDataIn() should be exposed and exported.

I have some code that is calling twice. The first time I request to interrupt the solve via a callback. For the second run I don't want highs.callback_.data_in.user_interrupt to be true. But the only way I see to clear it is to call highs.setCallback again, which I shouldn't have to do, if the callback function is unchanged. Apologies if I missed a method.

Are you saying that if you've once set highs.callback_.data_in.user_interrupt to be true, then it remains true?

In suggesting that you should just set highs.callback_.data_in.user_interrupt to be false, I suspect that I've misunderstood your scenario

My worry was that the only place I can set it to be false is from inside the callback. But maybe highs.callback_.data_in.user_interrupt could get queried before that.

But what you are saying works so I think that is not supposed to happen.