Travel Tracker:

Travel tracker is a Javascript based app that allows either a client or admin to login and manage their upcoming trips! A user can pick from a variety of destinations provided by a heroku backend. The admin is then able to approve or delete trips based on their inclination.

This Project works on utilizing async functions with await to fetch data from a heroku backend.


Login Screen Client Panel Admin Panel


  • bcrypt
  • moment
  • jquery
  • js-datepicker


  • chai -> Library used for testing classes
npm install moment 
  • chai-spies -> Library extension used for testing localstorage and fetch
npm install moment 

Future Thoughts

I expect that the near future a refactor to group the two table generators together would reduce the amount of redundent code. SASS refactoring is a must, currently mixins are used, however it is incomplete and leaves areas for refactoring. UUID should be incorporated instead of using a 4 digit randomizer for a industry standard approach.