Ultimate Card-Jitsu Tournament Website

The UCJ Tournament website, a TypeScript express server with a React.js frontend.

Set up

  1. Install dependencies Run npm install in both the frontend and backend directories.

  2. Set server and website configurations

    For the frontend:

    1. Copy config-template.json in /frontend/src and rename it to config.json
    2. Set your SERVER_URL (where your backend is listening, WITHOUT the ending \)
    3. Set your DISCORD_WIDGET (widget id for the Discord server on the front page)
    4. Set your STREAM_CHANNEL, (Twitch username for embed on the front page)
    5. Set your TOURNAMENT_TYPE (normal, fire, water, or snow for respective theming)
    6. For the normal tournament rules, update NORMAL_TYPE to either single or double

    For the backend:

    1. Copy config-template.ts in /backend/src and rename it to config.ts
    2. Generally the PG_PORT will always be 5432 unless you have configured it differently, so you're fine to leave that as-is
    3. Set your postgres username and password in PG_USER and PG_PASSWORD respectively
    4. Set the database name in PG_DATABASE Note: the database structure will automatically generate, however you must create the database manually
    5. Set your salt value for password encryption in SALT (Recommended at least around 10)
    6. Set your admin account name (for the website itself) and password in ADMIN_NAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD respectively
  3. Run the server

    For development:

    • In the frontend, run npm run dev and it will start the local dev server. In the backend, run npm run dev and it will run the webserver with nodemon.

    For production:

    • In the frontend, run npm run build, and after that, move the dist folder to the public folder in the backend: (in the root directory) mv frontend/dist backend/public. Finally, run in the backend npm start.
  4. You're done!


The helper is a third part of the repository meant for very basic API scraping used to collect data and display in OBS. It is very simple and is not worth touching unless you're the tournament host.

Discord Bot

The discord bot will keep track of which players are to play and ping them. For it to work, the database must have been correctly updated to contain the correct discord usernames.

Bot setup:

  1. First, create the bot in Discord
  2. Then, go to bot/config_template.py, rename it to bot/config.py and write the needed details.
  3. Install the libraries in bot/requirements.txt
  4. Run the bot with python bot/main.py