Variational fusion of hyperspectral and multispectral images


This project is coded with C++ and the libraries needed for its functionning are included in a Dockerfile which enables our code to work on any OS based systems

  • First Docker needs to be installed on you system with the help of this link:

  • Clone our project in the location of your choosing on your local system and open a terminal in the cloned folder

Building the docker container

From the Dockerfile we're going to build an image called "hsmsfusion" in the folder downloaded from our Github repository

docker build -t hsmsfusion .


At this point all the libraries and the packages are installed. The next commannd line does multiple manouvers: it starts a docker container named demofusion from the built image, it mounts a volume on the docker container that points to the demo folder in downloaded one and launches the script.

The script executes three commands: it moves to the demo folder, it creates the HS and MS images and all the data needed for the fusion and finally, it carries out the fusion with the generated data.

docker run --name demofusion -v $PWD/demo:/home/demo hsmsfusion sh

Recovering the fusion result

The fusion result will be available in the demo folder in the cloned repository.