Pair Plugwise on Linux : This version pairs your Plugwise Circles and Circle+ on Linux. For the moment, this version pairs sockets with identity "000D6F00003". It works on firmwares 2008-03-10 (Circle+) and 2008-08-26 (USB stick). Cloning : go to a folder (for example /home/user/hackstuces) and run : git clone git:// cd PlugwiseOnLinux Configuring : run the command : apt-get install python-serial Using : go to the folder PlugwiseOnLinux and run : python Notes : The pairing is done only when your sockets are initialized. To initialize, connect your Circle during 3 seconds and then disconnect it during 3 seconds. Repeat it 3 times. After, run the command : stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 ispeed 115200 ospeed 115200 cs8 -parenb During the pairing (choose m in the menu), the Circle+ have to turn off (during few seconds) then turn on.