- 0
Update CARMA base external
#1181 opened by fvitt - 0
GPU test fails restart comparison
#1220 opened by nusbaume - 0
- 0
Changes to age of air output
#1197 opened by fvitt - 4
Suggested improvement for openfile
#1183 opened by jedwards4b - 1
- 3
time_bounds array should not be present in history files containing instantaneous output
#1166 opened by phillips-ad - 11
- 7
cam history always chooses first averaging flag when using duplicate fields
#1149 opened by peverwhee - 0
Update externals to match alpha05c
#1213 opened by peverwhee - 0
Add timestamp to rpointer file name
#1146 opened by jedwards4b - 2
Change CLUBB flag (clubb_l_min_wp2_from_corr_wx)
#1208 opened by bstephens82 - 0
Implement CAM compsets for CESM3 based on B compsets
#1199 opened by cacraigucar - 0
Buggy hybrid initialization in FGRAYRAD
#1209 opened by islasimpson - 5
Not able to compile cam7 physics with nag compiler
#1200 opened by fvitt - 2
Introduce slab ocean aquaplanet compsets for cam7
#1204 opened by brian-eaton - 3
Revert t_sfc limiter
#1188 opened by peverwhee - 0
Update the ccs_config location for inputdata
#1206 opened by cacraigucar - 0
- 0
Implement fix for occasional extreme orographic cold pools forming in high-resolution simulations
#1202 opened by PeterHjortLauritzen - 0
- 0
Allow nonhydrostatic version of FV3
#1195 opened by ta440 - 5
WACCMX NO chemistry
#1155 opened by fvitt - 2
RRTGMP complains that tsfc has values outside range
#1185 opened by brianpm - 2
- 18
O3 is not an invariant
#1189 opened by jedwards4b - 1
Remove mct submodule
#1191 opened by jedwards4b - 0
Restore spectral scaling to RRTMGP
#1193 opened by brian-eaton - 0
Conversion of RRTMGP to CCPP
#1192 opened by peverwhee - 0
Update GPU regression tests with new workflow
#1165 opened by sjsprecious - 0
Updates needed for prescribed MAM5 stratospheric aerosols
#1187 opened by fvitt - 0
bad mpas L93 default ncdata files
#1179 opened by adamrher - 0
Create at least one CAM7 regression test on izumi
#1154 opened by cacraigucar - 0
Prealpha tests exceeding wallclock
#1159 opened by fischer-ncar - 1
MPAS not initializing reference pressures in the same way as other dycores
#1168 opened by PeterHjortLauritzen - 0
Update little obsolete/incorrect items
#1177 opened by cacraigucar - 15
- 0
Convert Hack shallow convective scheme to CCPP and move to atmospheric_physics
#1174 opened by jimmielin - 1
Replace "./manage_externals/checkout_externals" with "bin/git-fleximod update" on Wiki
#1157 opened by PeterHjortLauritzen - 3
Rename chemistry compsets
#1158 opened by fvitt - 0
Modularize Vertical Diffusion Solver Step
#1173 opened by mwaxmonsky - 0
Remove Eulerian dycore from cam_development
#1170 opened by PeterHjortLauritzen - 0
Remove SP-CAM from cam_development
#1171 opened by PeterHjortLauritzen - 0
- 1
Introduce T4MA WACCM Compset
#1162 opened by mijeong135 - 2
Visualization of nudging windows
#1152 opened by GilbertCloud - 0
Update MPAS-A within CAM to 'v8.2.1'
#1144 opened by gdicker1 - 0
Conversion of Rayleigh Friction to CCPP
#1153 opened by Katetc - 2
- 0
PUMAS interface needs to become CCPP-compliant
#1151 opened by nusbaume