
A command line tool for downloading unrestricted data files from ESGF

Primary LanguageGo


This tool allows the user to access unrestricted ESGF data simply by specifying search criteria.

The entire tool lives in a single, executable, binary file. Get the latest release from the release page. Be sure to get the correct operating system version (darwin is Mac). After downloading the latest release, the sproket file may need to be set to executable, on Mac and Linux this is chmod +x [sproket file].

In the default mode, sproket will attempt to perform downloads of the entire matching result set.

Files are first downloaded to a [filename].part file and moved to simply [filename] once the download is completed and verified (if applicable).

Use -h for help.

Sample Commands

# Download according to search.json
./sproket -config search.json

# "--" == "-", so --config works just as well as -config

# Helpful things to do before actually downloading
#  Check help
sproket -h
#  Check version
sproket -version
#  Count files
sproket -config search.json -count
#  Dry-run with verbose output
sproket -config search.json -no.download -verbose

# Helpful commands for refining search.json
#  Check valid field keys that can be used in the "fields" option
sproket -config search.json -field.keys
#  Then check for valid values for any of the fields output from the above command
sproket -config search.json -values.for experiment_id

#  Check data nodes that can serve the result set, useful for specifying "data_node_priority" in the config file
sproket -config search.json -data.nodes

# A list of HTTP URLs can be recorded for use by a different HTTP Client, 
#  wget or curl for example
sproket -config search.json -urls.only > urls_list.txt

# If there is no time to waste
sproket -config search.json -no.verify -p 32


A configuration file, using JSON, is used to specify the required information and search criteria. Data collections can be "shared" with colleagues by simply sharing these config files. Here is an example of the contents of such a file.

    "search_api": "https://esgf-node.llnl.gov/esg-search/search/",
    "data_node_priority": ["aims3.llnl.gov", "esgf-data1.llnl.gov"],
    "fields": {
        "variable_id": "ps",
        "experiment_id": "historical",
        "source_id": "FGOALS-g3",
        "table_id": "Amon",
        "variant_label": "r1i1p1f1",
        "project": "CMIP6"

Config File Structure

See configs/search.json as an example

  • search_api: The entire URL used to access an ESGF search API. This usually does not need to be changed from what is specified in the above example. It may be preferred to use a more local ESGF index node, in which case esgf-node.llnl.gov above would simply be replaced with the hostname of the more local ESGF index node. Required.
  • data_node_priority: A list of strings that must match exactly data node names that should be preferred over other data nodes, from high priority to low priority. The entire result set will be returned using data nodes not present in this list, if needed. Use -data.nodes to find valid values for a given search. Wildcard and regular expressions, as discussed below, are not supported for the values in this list. Default [], no priority.
  • fields: Key/value pairs that used to select files to download. Default {}, no field requirements.


Logically, the key/value pairs within a given fields object are ANDed together. Users may combine arbitrary AND or OR conditions with appropriate parentheses within a single field. For example:

”field_name”: “value1 OR (value2 AND value3)”

Note that each valueN above may include wildcards or be regular expressions. See Regex vs Wildcard below.

Special Field Considerations

  • retracted: This is hard coded to ”false”. User specified values will be ignored unless -unsafe is specified.
  • latest: This is hard coded to ”true”. User specified values will be ignored unless -unsafe is specified. Note this may conflict with any version specifications, including any ID's that may contain versions.
  • replica: This is changed at various points in sproket to ensure users receive one, and only one, copy of each file in a result set. User specified values will be ignored.
  • data_node: This is hard coded to ”*”. User specified values will be ignored. See the data_node_priority parameter above for data node control.


A field key/value match can be negated by prefixing the field key with a dash like so, ”-project”: “CMIP6”. Doing this to any fields in the Special Field Considerations section will result in undefined behavior.

Regex vs Wildcard

It is possible to specify regular expressions for a value in the fields key/value pairs. This requires wrapping the expression like so /regex/ as well as ensuring relevant characters are properly escaped.

”variable_id”: ”/ps|mr(.*)/”

Wildcards are a little different than regular expressions. The wildcards available are ? and *, which match 0 to 1 and 0 to many of any characters, respectively. These do not require the wrapping in backslashes, for example, combining with negation to avoid a whole class of experiments:

”-experiment_id”: “*a4SST*”

Files Collection

Note that this search will be applied to the ESGF files collection. Each file record in this collection has a set of fields that indicate the data that the file itself holds. What these fields are and what they mean may differ from project to project in ESGF. For example, some projects may put more than one variable in a single file, while others may restrict files to a single variable. Some projects may call the field variable and others may call it variable_id. The -field.keys is meant to help with this. It can be helpful to specify simply the project field in the search configuration then use -field.keys to find valid fields to use for that project.