
An ember front end to data produced by canary.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An Ember front end to data produced by canary.io

Getting started with canary-ember

First, make sure you install Node.js and npm.

Next, install bower.

> [sudo] npm install -g bower

Now, fork canary-ember into https:// github.com/username/canary-ember.

Clone and add upstream remote.

> git clone https://github.com/username/canary-ember.git
> cd canary-ember
canary-ember> git remote add upstream https://github.com/jagthedrummer/canary-ember.git

Keep up with upstream changes with these commands.

canary-ember> git fetch upstream
canary-ember> git merge upstream/master

Install those packages...

canary-ember> npm install
canary-ember> bower install 

When bower asks you what version of ember to use you should pick option number 1. We are currently running with the latest canary build of ember. ('canary' in ember is a code word for their beta builds. Funny coincidence that this project is also called canary.) When query-params ships in a production build (I think scheduled for 1.7) we can lock down the version to something more stable.

Due to using the canary version of ember, ember-cli looks for the file in the wrong place. So you need to rename a file:

canary-ember> mv vendor/ember/index.js vendor/ember/ember.js

Build it...

canary-ember> ember build

Test it...

canary-ember> ember test

Run it...

canary-ember> ember server

Open your browser to http://localhost:4200 and enjoy!

Canary-ember is based on ember-cli, so you can refer to that documentation for info about project layout.
