
My blender files repository. Feel free to explore.



This repository contains Blender renders of the various projects I have worked on/ am working on. The renders are in the form of .png files. The .blend files are not included in this repository.

I considered including the .blend files, but they are too large to be practical. If you would like to see them, please contact me.

Email: [Wycliffe Ndiba](mailto:w.ndiba@gmail.com)

If you stumble upon this repo, feel like we could work together, or just want to chat, feel free to contact me.

Blender Files Index

File Structure

The renders are organized into folders based on the project they are from.

A typical structure will be as follows:

├── Project 1
│   ├── Render 1
│   ├── Render 2
├── Project 2
│   ├── Render 1
│   ├── Render 2


Fluid Simulation

Fluid Simulation 1

This was a client work they needed me to model the environment, simulate the fluid and research on the right parameters for the FLIP Fluids. They handled the materials and rendering. I used the FLIP Fluids addon for the simulation and baking. The resolution for the 'previz' was about 250, and presented expected parameters close to the final resolution. I'm especially proud of this project, and I'll be working upon this project to improve the simulation and the render while learning more about FLIP Fluids.

Video clay renders of the fluid simulations.


Kent Trammel's course, I don't have access to the course so this is my attempt at recreating the renders.
2 hour projects to learn more about Blender and 3D techniques.

Piano Macro

Focused on camera settings (lens, aperture, focal length, bokeh effect) and lighting (light linking, contrast).
For the dust particles, I gave them a glass shader and used a particle system to distribute them on the piano. I then linked them to their own area light source so they would have their own lighting for that contrasting look.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Bulb Macro

Focused on modeling and materials (glass, metal).
Lighting could use some improvement, used blackbody emission shader for the filament. It's a bit too red, I'll have to work on that. Love the bokeh effect on this one.

Image 1

Chess Macro

Not in the series but something I'd like to work on.


SESSIONS: Minimalism

Arch Hallway

Interesting project for lighting. Simple geometry, arrayed and instanced to create the hallway. I love the lighting because I usually underexpose my renders, but this one is correctly exposed. I used a sun lamp and an area lamp to light the scene.

Image 1

Arch Lighting

Another one that I tested lighting and I really like my current workflow. The lighting is well exposed, the 'film grain' makes it feel photorealistic.

Image 1

Arch Lighting GIF


Blender 4.0

This is my renaissance blender version. With so many new features, I've been rejuvenated to create more renders. I'm currently working on a project that will take a while to come out, in the meantime, I'm thinking of how to share my projects, probably a blog, and giving the blend files for free on gumroad.

Future of this repository

I hope to have an intricate repository that I can not only dump my renders, but also use it as a portfolio. Have a structure where people can be like "Hey, here's the simulation section, oh and he's got some archviz stuff too. Pretty cool."