
A curated list of articles selected by the ESSS Dev team

Awesome Dev Articles Awesome

A curated list of articles selected by the ESSS Dev team.

Inspired by the awesome list thing.









How to Contribute

The goal is to create a reading list of important articles for any developer. This is NOT a "pool of interesting articles" (otherwise, it'd grow endlessly). We can think in it more like a must read list. To stick with this principle, we might limit the number of articles in the near future.

Some criteria we used to create the list:

  1. The article/talk is a well done summary of one or more good programming practices (e.g., Steps to better code)
  2. The article/talk presents a very clever solution for some problem (e.g., Move Fast and Fix Things)

To contribute, if you are outside ESSS Org, edit this file (you can do this through the GitHub UI), add the title/link/author in the correct position to keep the list sorted and submit the change as a PR.

If you are inside ESSS Org, first share the article/talk via Chat or on Dev mailing list. If you get some thumbs up, submit the PR as explained above.