
NextJS app setup with Styled Components, Storybook, and more

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NextJS Typescript Boilerplate

Bootstrap a developer-friendly NextJS app configured with:

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

How to use

  1. Clone project: git clone git@github.com:whoisryosuke/next-styled-storybook-starter.git
  2. Install dependencies: yarn

Now you have 2 main options:

  • Run Storybook: yarn storybook
  • Run the NextJS app: yarn dev


Storybook is used for developing components in isolation, providing integration testing, and creating documentation for components. It comes setup with Storybook Essentials (including MDX docs), as well Storybook a11y addon for accessibility testing.

MDX Template

import { Meta, Story, Canvas } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks'
import { Checkbox } from './Checkbox'

<Meta title="MDX/Checkbox" component={Checkbox} />

# Checkbox

With `MDX` we can define a story for `Checkbox` right in the middle of our Markdown documentation.

  <Story name="all checkboxes">
      <Checkbox id="Unchecked" label="Unchecked" />
      <Checkbox id="Checked" label="Checked" checked />
      <Checkbox appearance="secondary" id="second" label="Secondary" checked />


With Jest

yarn test

This project is setup with Jest, Jest Snapshots, and react-testing-library. This means you can snapshot test (save codified representation of components for comparison) and unit test component functionality (like clicking a button and verifying a result).

Test utilities are provided for convenience (see: test/testUtils.ts), like a custom render function to allow you to wrap tests in "providers" (like a theme for CSS-in-JS).

With Typescript

yarn type-check

Runs the Typescript CLI for type checking. This also runs as a pre-push git hook to ensure code quality before pushing to remote servers.

Git Commits

Git commits are "linted" (or checked) to ensure they follow conventional commit standards. To make this process easier, a commit script is included:

  1. Stage some files using git add (or VSCode UI)
  2. yarn commit

This runs the Commitzen CLI and walks you through writing a conventional commit (e.g. feat(button): new focus ref). It's much easier than remembering every type of commit (feat, build, bug, etc) and the right syntax.


This project is setup with a Circle CI configuration for testing commits to any branch, and releasing only commits to master and beta branches.

Sample release flow:

  • Clone your repo (a fork of this one most likely)
  • Create a new feature/bug/etc branch
  • Make commits and push them to Github
  • This triggers a test in CI
  • Open a PR and merge the branch to beta branch for testing
  • This triggers a test and release in CI
  • Force push branch changes to master
  • This triggers a test and release in CI