
BabyMika BEP20 Token

Primary LanguageSolidity


// Website: http://Babymika.xyz

// Telegram: http://t.me/officialBabyMika

The contract takes a 10% fee:

  • 4% is redistributed to all holders
  • 3% is added to the V2 LP pool
  • 1.5% is added to the DAO Treasury fund
  • 1.5% is added to the Buy Back fund

Overview of Contract Functions:

  1. Add & Remove Blacklist
  2. Include & Exclude Rewards (Excluding other contracts from getting Reflextion)
  3. SetFee - Special Fees for other Contracts (CEX, Marketplace, Mikaverse, and Etc)
  4. SetFees - There is no max TX amount and the total fees can be set to at most 10%
  5. Add New Pair Address - Adding New BSC pair to BBMK
  6. BuyBack Configuration - Setting for Auto BuyBack
  7. SwapAndLiquify - Setting Auto Swap 50% Token to BNB and add to Liquidity Pool

Setting up your workspace

  1. run 'npm install' in your workspace
  2. run Ganache and setup a workspace
  3. run 'npm test' in your workspace

Deploying locally

For testing:

  1. run 'npx ganache-cli --deterministic --allowUnlimitedContractSize --networkId 2'
  2. run 'npx truffle migrate --network test'

For development:

  1. run 'npx ganache-cli --deterministic --allowUnlimitedContractSize --networkId 1 -p 7545'
  2. run 'npx truffle migrate --network develop'

Deploying on Smart Chain Testnet

  1. Create a wallet and get some BNB from the faucet: https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart
  2. Copy secrets.env.template to secrets.env and set values
  3. Run 'npx truffle compile'
  4. Run 'npx truffle migrate --network bsctestnet'
  5. Smart contract should now be deployed.
  6. Verify the contract
  7. Run 'npx truffle run verify BabyMika@0x0000TOKENADDRES0000 --network bsctestnet

Running scripts

  1. Run 'npx truffle exec scripts/script.js --network bsctestnet'
