The repository contains scripts for parsing and analyzing Hebrew texts.

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Welcome! This is the project page of Creating Annotated Corpora of Classical Hebrew Texts (CACCHT), which is a joint project of the ETCBC and the Theological Seminary at Andrews University.

We develop NLP tools for the creation of annotated corpora of Classical Hebrew texts (the main focus will be on Dead Sea Scrolls and Rabbinic texts). These annotated corpora will extend the ETCBC database which currently has a richly annotated linguistic Hebrew Bible and some other Hebrew and Syriac texts. The annotated texts will be published in Text-Fabric format. They are the basis for morphological and syntactical analysis, using state-of-the-art statistical and visualization tools.

Oliver Glanz
Jarod Jacobs
Martijn Naaijer
Wido van Peursen
Robert Rezetko