
The LR_Filter provides information for filtering the false Structural Variations (SVs, VCF format) based on a long-read mapping file (BAM format)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The LR_Filter provides information for filtering the false Structural Variations (SVs, VCF format) based on a long-read mapping file (BAM format). This is developed for ETCHING project.


The LR_Filer was written by Python 3 a along with some Python modules. The required modules are as follows.

  • sys
  • argparse
  • math
  • re
  • os
  • pickle
  • pysam
  • numpy
  • queue
  • threading
  • multiprocessing

If you want to install required modules, refer to the command below

pip install {"module_name"}


python LR_Filter.py -h

usage: LR-Filter.v0.4.py [-h] [-i INPUT_VCF] [-t TARGET_TYPE] [-lbt LONG_BAM_T] [-lbn LONG_BAM_N] [-rf REFERENCE_SEQ] [-c CPUS] [-tr TARGET_RANGE] [-o OUTNAME]

LR_Filter is SV filtering tool using long-read BAM file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        The input VCF file by short-read SV caller, etc ETCHING, Lumpy, Delly ...
  -t TARGET_TYPE, --target_type TARGET_TYPE
                        The target SV type, etc DEL, DUP, INV, or TRA
  -lbt LONG_BAM_T, --long_bam_t LONG_BAM_T
                        A tumor long-read mapping sorted BAM file by Minimap2 or NGMLR
  -lbn LONG_BAM_N, --long_bam_n LONG_BAM_N
                        A normal long-read mapping sorted BAM file by Minimap2 or NGMLR
  -rf REFERENCE_SEQ, --reference_seq REFERENCE_SEQ
                        The reference fasta file, etc hg19 or hg38
  -c CPUS,           --cpus CPUS, default: 1 cpu
                        Set the number of CPUs, this option is for multi-processing
  -tr TARGET_RANGE, --target_range TARGET_RANGE, default: 500bp
                        Set the range of the SV BreakPoints (BPs) for verifying by long-reads
  -o OUTNAME, --outname OUTNAME
                        Output name


LR_Filter requires long-read BAM file as primary input and two modes are currently available.

  1. Somatic SV mode: this mode requires both tumor-normal long-read mapped BAM files
  2. General SV mode: in this mode, only a single long-read mapped BAM file is required

Somatic SV mode

python LR_Filter.py -i {input_VCF_file} -t {DEL} -lbt {tumor_long_read_sorted_BAM_file} -lbn {normal_long_read_sorted_BAM_file} \
                    -rf {hg19.fa} -c {1} -tr {500} -o {test}

General SV mode

python LR_Filter.py -i {input_VCF_file} -t {DEL} -lbt {tumor_long_read_sorted_BAM_file} -rf {hg19.fa} -c {1} -tr {500} -o {test}