
A benchmarking tool for structural variation (SV) detection tools

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

A benchmark tool for ETCHING

Version 0.2.12

This program, etching_bench, is a benchmarking tool implementing SURVIVOR for somatic structural variation (SV) callers.

Supporting SV callers

Note: This is not a general-purpose tool. We did not check on other callers yet.


It calculates performances of SV callers in a silver-standard manner, a kind of majority vote, because of a lack of a golden-standard SV set. Our silver-standard calls the SVs predicted by N other callers as TRUE (3 for 7 callers in default). It means ETCHING's silver-standard has no ETCHING, and there is no DELLY in DELLY's silver-standard, and so on. If you include the target tool (using -K), it may cause a bias toward a tool of very high sensitivity with very low precision. Thus, we do not recommend it but keep the default (-X to specify it).


  • cmake >=3.11 (We did not check <3.11)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

Then, you can find etching_bench in the path build.

cd ../test/
../build/etching_bench -c test.conf


Usage: etching_bench [options]

	-c FILE    Config file (required)

	-o STR     Outfile prefix [etching_bench]
	-s INT     Consensus cutoff for silver standard [3]
	           TRUE if detected by >=3 (in default) callers.
	-t FILE    Truth set
	-w INT     Merge window size [10]
	-m INT     Minimun SV size [100]
	-M INT     Maximum SV size
	-I         Remove IMPRECISE SVs for all callers
	-X         Exclude own prediction in a silver standard set [default]
	-K         Keep own prediction in a silver standard set
	-F         Calculate performance at F1-score-maximizing cutoff
	-R FILE    Re-use a given.benchmark.annotated.vcf (skip to calculation)
	--intra    Only intra-chromosomal SVs (DEL, DUP, or INV)
	--inter    Only inter-chromosomal SVs (TRA)
	--version  Print version
	--version  Print version
	-h         Print this message

Note: Not for general use yet.
      We guarantee only for the programs listed below:
      ETCHING, DELLY, LUMPY, Manta, SvABA, novoBreak, and GRIDSS

1. Edit a conf file.

vi input.conf

The format of the conf file

TOOL_NAME	VCF_FILE_NAME	[cutoff]	["noimprecise"]

The third and fourth columns are optional, and their positions are interchangeable.

An example of the conf file:

etching	ETCHING.vcf	0.4
delly	DELLY.vcf	noimprecise	18
Lumpy	LUMPY.vcf	12	noimprecise
Manta	manta.vcf	noimprecise
SvABA	svaba.vcf	0
novobreak	novoBreak.vcf	40
GRIDSS	Gridss.vcf	400

Note: This program converts all letters in TOOL_NAME to lower case. Thus, ETCHING, Etching, and even eTChiNg are acceptable.

Supporting tools
Caller Default cut-off Score to be used
ETCHING 0.4 QUAL field value
DELLY 18 DV + RV in tumor sample of FORMAT field
LUMPY 12 SU in tumor sample of FORMAT field
Manta 40 SOMATICSCORE in INFO field
SvABA 0 QUAL field value
novoBreak 40 QUAL field value
GRIDSS 400 QUAL field value
About the option, "noimprecise" for each tool

This option excludes IMPRECISE SVs for the tool in benchmarking. If you want to exclude all IMPRECISE SVs for all callers, use the -I option instead in running etching_bench.

Note: Removing IMPRECISE will increase precision, while it may drop recall (or sensitivity).

2. Run etching_bench

etching_bench -c input.conf [-o output_prefix] [options]
Available options
-s INT     Consensus cutoff for silver standard [3]
           TRUE if detected by >=3 (in default) callers.
-w INT     Merge window size [10]
-m INT     Minimun SV size [100]
-M INT     Maximum SV size
-I         Remove IMPRECISE SVs for all callers
-X         Exclude own prediction in a silver standard set [default]
-K         Keep own prediction in a silver standard set
-F         Calculate performance at F1-score-maximizing cutoff
-R FILE    Re-use a given.benchmark.annotated.vcf (skip to calculation)
--intra    Only intra-chromosomal SVs (DEL, DUP, or INV)
--inter    Only inter-chromosomal SVs (TRA)

3. Output files

Suffix of output file Description
benchmark.txt Final table of performances relevant to their cut-offs
TOOL_NAME.performance.ALL.txt Performances of all SVs for different cut-offs
TOOL_NAME.performance.DEL.txt Performances of DELs for different cut-offs
TOOL_NAME.performance.DUP.txt Performances of DUPs for different cut-offs
TOOL_NAME.performance.INV.txt Performances of INVs for different cut-offs
TOOL_NAME.performance.TRA.txt Performances of TRAs for different cut-offs

You can draw precision-recall (PR) curves using the performance.XXX.txt and find the area under the PR curve (auPR) at the tail of each performance.XXX.txt.


Jang-il Sohn (sohnjangil@gmail.com)