A structural dynamics benchmark problem which is generated as part of COST Action TU1402 on Quantifying the Value of Information and is intended to serve as a reference case study for validation of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) methods and decision-making tools relying on the Value of Information.
- Pull down a copy of the code by cloning or downloading the repository
- Open a terminal and change the current directory to the benchmark folder
- Run the benchmark backend through the terminal by typing
python main.py
- Run the benchmark user interface (UI) through the terminal by typing
python benchmarktu1402.py
A description of the problem set-up, the modelling assumptions and the workflow to be followed in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is available in the corresponding IOMAC paper which serves as documentation.
Upon running the analysis, a file named "Output_nodes.dat" is firstly generated, containing the information of output nodes and consisting of three columns:
- Column 1 stores the labels of output nodes
- Columns 2-3 store the corresponding nodal coordinates
Depending on the type of analysis, the following files are further generated for each job named Job_name:
Modal Analysis
File name | Description |
Job_name_frequencies.dat | Contains the system natural frequencies |
Job_name_modes.dat | Contains the corresponding mode shapes at output locations |
Dynamic Analysis
File name | Description |
Job_name_displacements.dat | Contains the displacement time history at output locations |
Job_name_accelerations.dat | Contains the acceleration time history at output locations |
Job_name_strains.dat | Contains the strain time history at output locations |
Tatsis, K. and Chatzi, E. (2019) "A numerical benchmark for system identification under operational and environmental variability", Proceedings of the 7th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC).
If you think you've found a bug, go ahead and create a new GitHub issue. Be sure to include as much information as possible so that we can reproduce the bug.
- The model parameters and output requests can be reconfigured and through main.py
- All python dependencies are included in Anaconda installations