
my first repository - and some markdown how-tos



Hi there, I'm new to github and git. This is my first repository. I'm just fooling around to see if I can get to grips with all this. I have no idea what to write about now. How about some Markdown basics. Italics are written within stars. For bold use two stars.

Another Secondary Heading

blah blab blaaaa blah

A list

Here is a bullet list

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
  • etc

An Ordered List

  1. first item
  2. second item
  3. forth item (doesn't have to come in order!)
  4. third item


Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Download R

Advanced Links

I spend so much time reading [R bloggers][1] and [Simply Statistics][2]!
[1]: http://www.r-bloggers.com/ "R bloggers"
[2]: http://simplystatistics.org/ "Simply Statistics"

New Lines

Newlines require a double space after the end of a line.
First line
Second line

More Markdown Resources

Official Markdown Documentation
Github's Markdown Guide