
Use Google's Slides API to automate show layout

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Use Google's Slides API to automate show layout

Tool Info

Windows-based collection of apps to help publish the EVE Prosper Market Show.

  1. Use rpy2 to generate common week-to-week plots for slides
  2. Use Dropbox to generate share-links
  3. Use Google Slides API to render weekly presentation

Environment Prerequisites

  • ODBC connections to EVE Prosper data
    • randomboy_new (or similar) connection to Prosper data
    • sde_lookup schema of EVE SDE
  • R (3.3.x) and rpy2 hooks
    • R_HOME: path to R.exe EX: C:\Program Files\R\R_3.3.1
    • R_USER: getwd() path EX: %USERPROFILE%
  • Python 3.5+
    • NOTE: rpy2 wheel included for windows install. use precompiled wheel
    • ProsperCommon hosted at GemFury. --extra-index-url=https://pypi.fury.io/jyd5j4yse83c9UW64tP7/lockefox/
  • Dropbox client application

TODO: include /Scripts for environment setup and rpy2 validation

Using the App:

ProsperSlides.py is a Plumbum CLI app. Use -h for robust versioning information. It is highly suggested to run in a virtual environment

ProsperSlides will run through default configuration without any special options. Also automatically logs its progress locally. Can use Discord as an alerting platform if provided a valid webhook in the [LOGGING] section inside ProsperSlides.cfg.