
SugarCRM REST API Client in node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


SugarCRM REST API Client in node.js

Build Status

  • Tested on SugarCRM Community Edition 6.5.* on RESP API v4.1

Provide URL, login and password:

 var sugar = require('node-sugarcrm-client');
        apiURL:  "http://*********/sugarcrm/service/v4_1/rest.php"
       ,login:   "*******"
       ,passwd:  "*******"

Config Check:


Login and get a session ID


    if (sessionID != 'undefined') {

        // If you are here, you got a session ID
        // and you can add all your query here

        console.log('Your session ID is', sessionID);

    } else {
        console.log("can't login, check your credentials");

Create a new Account

    params = {
                 session:  sessionID
                ,module_name : "Accounts"
                ,name_value_list : [
                                    { "name":  "name",  "value": "Account from Node-SugarCRM-Client" }
    sugar.call("set_entry", params, function(res,err){

Create a new Contact

	params = {
				 session:  sessionID
				,module_name : "Contacts"
				,name_value_list : [
					{ name:'first_name'  , value: 'Daneel'   },
					{ name:'last_name'   , value: 'Olivaw' },

					{ name:'title'  , 		value: 'R.'   },
					{ name:'phone_work'   , value: '555-2368' },

	sugar.call("set_entry", params, function(res,err){
		console.log(res, err);

Create a relationship link from an Account to a contact

You need to know before the account ID and the contacts ID. Yes, the name 'module_id' is very confusing.

	params = {
				 session:  sessionID
				,module_name : 'Accounts'
				,module_id : "d41ad995-7f68-5238-a054-51af62906e81" // the account ID
				,link_field_name : 'contacts'
				,related_ids : ["b1378306-2d84-6e01-6c4a-51af41058b94"]  // some contacts ID

	sugar.call("set_relationship", params, function(res,err){
		console.log(res, err);

Query the Acounts table

This query will give you a dump

    params = {
                 session:  sessionID
                ,module_name : "Accounts"
                ,query : ""
                ,order_by : ''
                ,offset : '0'
                ,select_fields : [ 'id' ,'name']
                ,link_name_to_fields_array : []
                ,max_results : -1
                ,deleted : '0'
                ,Favorites : false

    sugar.call("get_entry_list", params, function(res,err){

        if (err) {
        else {


Create and Update a Documents

    params = {
                session:  sessionID
               ,module_name : "Documents"
               ,name_value_list : [
                                   { "name":  "document_name",	"value": "Document from Node-sugarCRM-Client REST API" },
                                   { "name":  "revision",		"value": "1" },

    sugar.call("set_entry", params, function(document){

            console.log('Document is',document.id);

            // Note
            params = {
                       session:  sessionID
                       ,note : {
                                  id: document.id
                                 ,file : new Buffer("This text come from the REST API").toString('base64')
                                 ,filename : 'note.txt'
                                 ,revision : '1'
            sugar.call("set_document_revision", params, function(res){

Create a relationship link from an Documents to an account

	params = {
				 session:  sessionID
				,module_name : 'Documents'
				,module_id : "286832e1-e3a7-1384-a884-51af487d6b16" // document ID
				,link_field_name : 'accounts'
				,related_ids : ["d41ad995-7f68-5238-a054-51af62906e81"] // Some account IDs

	sugar.call("set_relationship", params, function(res,err){
		console.log(res, err);