
This is the tool released in the ASE'23 paper "Generative Type Inference for Python".

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is the tool released in the ASE'23 paper "Generative Type Inference for Python".


Python >= 3.9



Clone this repo and run the following command in the root directory of this repo:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download the dataset from the release and unzip it

  2. TypeGen relies on the OpenAI services, so fill your OpenAI API keys in config.py first. We recommend you to set multiple API keys to avoid insufficient balances given the large dataset.

  3. Run TypeGen on the dataset

python typegen/typegen.py -s data -r predictions.json 

TypeGen will then use default settings to infer the types in the testset.

The default setting is set to hop=3 and demo_num=5. This setting is consistent with the paper.

You can also use -p and -n options to indicate the number of hops and the number of demos you want to use.


You can evaluate the predictions generated by TypeGen and other baselines.

The default metric is Exact Match. Change to Match to Parametric by adding the option -i.

You can get the detailed evaluation results on different categories of variables by adding the option -d.

For generative approaches such as TypeGen:

python typegen/typegen.py -s predictions.json -t testset_transformed.json -m -c

Remove the option -c if COT prompt is not used.

For cloze-style approaches:

python typegen/typegen.py -s predictions.json -t testset_transformed.json -n

For supervised approaches, please use their own evaluation scripts due to different output format.



To remove COT prompts, you can set the option -c, such as

python typegen/typegen.py -s data -r predictions.json -c

To remove type hints, you can set the option -u, such as

python typegen/typegen.py -s data -r predictions.json -u

To use original code instead of code slices, you can set the option -o, such as

python typegen/typegen.py -s data -r predictions.json -o

The above three options can be combined to remove multiple components of TypeGen.

Cloze-style Approaches:

To get the predictions of cloze-style approaches mentioned in the paper, you can use command:

python typegen/mask.py -s data -r predictions.json -m [MODEL_NAME]

[MODEL_NAME] can be the model names in HuggingFace, such as facebook/incoder-6B. Note that it only supports Incoder, Unixcoder and CodeT5 now.

Other Generative Models:

To implement TypeGen in other generative models instead of OpenAI models, you can use command:

python typegen/gen.py -s data -r predictions.json -m [MODEL_NAME]

[MODEL_NAME] can be the model names in HuggingFace. In general it supports any generative models. You can also change the settings of TypeGen use the same options mentioned above.

For the supervised approaches in the paper, they all have replication packages released at GitHub so please go to their repos for re-implementation.

New Dataset

If you want to use TypeGen in new datasets, you should prepare the data files required by TypeGen in config.py.

You first need to prepare the metadata of your new testset and trainset in the format of testset.json and trainset.json.

If you want to use fixed demonstrations, you also need to prepare fixed_examples.json.

Once you have the metadata of datasets, TypeGen can generates other required data files:

  1. Source Code

You can use the following command to generate testset_source.json and trainset_source.json:

python typegen/preprocess.py -s testset.json/trainset.json -c
  1. Transformed Metadata

You can use the following command to generate testset_transformed.json and trainset_transformed.json:

python typegen/preprocess.py -s testset.json/trainset.json -t
  1. Usertypes

You can use HiTyper to collect the available usertypes and generate testset_usertypes.json and trainset_usertypes.json, please follow the instructions in HiTyper.

  1. Sliced Source Code

You can use the following command to generate testset_staticsliced_hop[HOP].json and trainset_staticsliced_hop[HOP].json:

python typegen/slice.py -s testset_source.json/trainset_source.json -p [HOP]

You need to specify the number of hops.

  1. Similar Demonstrations in Training Set

You can use the following command to generate topk_with_label_staticsliced_hopHOP_transformed.json based on the sliced code:

python typegen/demo.py -s data 

You can also use -p option to indicate the number of hops.

Or topk_with_label_full_transformed.json based on the original code:

python typegen/demo.py -s data -o

You can also use -k option to indicate the top N similar demonstrations for each test instances.

  1. COT Prompts

You can use the following command to generate trainset_cots_hop[HOP].json:

python typegen/cot.py -s trainset.json -p [HOP]

You need to specify the number of hops.


We include the predictions of TypeGen in our dataset and its ablation results in the predictions/ folder in the release.

Cite Us

If you use TypeGen in your research, please cite us:

      title={Generative Type Inference for Python}, 
      author={Yun Peng and Chaozheng Wang and Wenxuan Wang and Cuiyun Gao and Michael R. Lyu},