
The Customers CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) application built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Inquirer, and Commander. It allows you to manage customer data through simple commands in your terminal.


    - Create: Add new customers to the database by providing their details such as name, email, and phone number. - Update: Modify existing customer information including their name, email, and phone - number. - Delete: Remove customers from the database using their unique identifier. - List: Display a list of all customers and their details.



  • Make sure MongoDB is running on your local machine or update the database connection URL in config.js.
  • Run the CLI: node commands.js [command] [options]
  • Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information to execute the desired command.

Available Commands

  • add or a: Create a new customer.
  • update or u: Update an existing customer.
  • delete or d: Delete a customer.
  • list or l: List all customers.