Engineering Beam Calculation with open or closed profile ORIGIN Project from composite-blade-design
CN | ENG | ||
1 | 工程梁剖面剪流剪心计算 |
[Engineering Beam Calculation with open or closed profile][CLT] | Introduction |
Running requirements | Installation | License
- calculate the normal stress & shaer flow & shear center of open profile or close profile with single or multi-cells.
- Use the Engineering Beam Theory to simplify the profile geometry properities.
- Show accurate calculate information of results, display figures of normal stress and shear flow distribution,the number of profile node , the location of shear center.
- calculate normal stress & shaer flow & shear center of open profile.
- calculate normal stress & shaer flow & shear center of close profile of single cell.
- calculate normal stress & shaer flow & shear center of close profile of multi-cells.
- plot profile with different thickness.
- plot normal stress and shear flow.
- report the shear flow experssion between each two nodes.
- the profile move to its centroid when calculation, the shear center is the relavite location.
- the Project just a simple demo of the Engineering Beam calculation, the deformation like restricted torsion didn't take into consideration.
- ...
- the input xy data is the actual loation of profile, in the calculation need the Sx=Sy=0, the Jxy=0 is not necessart.
the brief theory and formula
- normal stress in profile section,
- shear flow in open profile
- shear flow in close profile wuth three cells
The Sx and Sy should calculate from the free edge of the profile, when the profile is a close one, you should choose a cut point and the order of profile nodes is very important during calculation.
Copy the source files in the local directory and add the PATH in the system or copy the files to the Python's "site-packages" folder.
Copy the source file in you own file and develop the new function by yourself.
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