
Windows Nodes in OpenShift

Primary LanguagePowerShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Windows Nodes in OpenShift

This current is tested on Vmware, with two machines, one running OpenShift 3.9 on RHEL 7.5. A full openshift subscription is required.

The Windows Node is Windows Server Core 1709. The Windows node requires it to be enabled for Ansible. bin/winansible.ps1 set's up the windows node for ansible.

How to Use:

##Repos for Openshift Windows:

Supported http:/github.com/glennswest/openshift-windows Upstream: http://github.com/glennswest/hybrid


  1. Linux node with host name set, and static ip, and a proper search domain
  2. Windows node with a hostname set, and dhcp that returns same ip all the time, matching hostname.
  3. The windows node must have the correct host name, make sure you rename it.


  1. Install two nodes, one with RHEL 7.5 and one with Windows 1703.
  2. Setup DNS for both nodes, and search domain so the hosts can be found by both there short name, and there fully qualified name.
  3. Make sure the windows node can use DHCP to find its IP address.
  4. Make sure the Mac address is unique for the windows node in the first 5 bytes.
  5. Login to root, and install git
  6. git clone repo
  7. cd repo (Either hybrid or opepnshift-windows)
  8. Run allinone.sh

Important Note: The Windows Node must run on a physical box, or a environment that supports nested virt, with passthru configured on the VM.

./allinone.sh LinuxHostName WindowsHostName InternalDomain OpenShiftPublicURL AppPublicURL UserName Password

Arguments Examples:

Linux Host Name - node01 or openshift or linuxnode Windows Host Name: winnode01 or windows Internal Domain: ncc9.com Openshift Public URL: openshift.ncc9.com App Public URL: example: app.openshift.ncc9.com Username: example: openshift Password: SuperSecret

  1. cd ..
  2. Run ansible-playbook ovn-presetup.yml
  3. Run ansible-playbook ovn-postsetup.yml
  4. Prepare Windows Machine A. RDP To windows console (Or use vmware console) B. From Command Prompt: (To Enable Ansible) i. type: powershell ii. type: [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 iii. Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/glennswest/hybrid/master/bin/winansible.ps1 -OutFile "winansible.ps1" -UseDefaultCredentials iv. .\winansible.ps1 v. Rename-Computer -NewName "winnode01" -Restart -Force vi. Disconnect from windows.
  5. copy the group_vars/windows.example to group_vars/windows
  6. Add a user name and password to group_vars/windows
  7. ansible-playbook windows.yml

Known Issues:

  1. After installation, restart of ovn-kubernnets-master may be required