
A beamer latex template for slides and lectures at University of Ulm

Primary LanguageTeXCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Uni Ulm Slide Template


This is a beamer latex template for slides and lectures at University of Ulm.

How to Use

Creating a Presentation

First, you need to create a new beamer presentation. For that, add \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer} to your .tex-file (and change the aspectratio)

Including the Theme

The beamer theme can be used for a beamer presentation by the command \usetheme{uulm}.

Functionality of the Theme

Title Page

To add a title frame, you can use the standard \maketitle command. It creates a title Frame with a default picture and the information that is set by the following commands:

  • \title[<optional short title>]{<title>}
  • \subtitle[<optional short subtitle>]{<subtitle>}
  • \author[<optional short author>]{<long author>}
  • \date{<date>}

The title picture can be changed with an optional parameter: \maketitle[<path-to-picture>]. The picture's width will automatically be set to fill the frame. To move the picture up or down you can pass an additional optional parameter to set an offset: \maketitle[<path-to-picture>][<offset>].

Slide Layout

The following layouts can be used to arrange content into multiple columns on a frame. Some of them are also animated.

  • \leftandright{<left>}{<right>}, \leftmiddleandright{<left>}{<middle>}{<right>}
    Splits the frame into multiple columns, which contain the content given by the multiple arguments.
  • \leftthenright{<left>}{<right>}, \leftmiddlethenright{<left>}{<middle>}{<right>}
    Splits the frame into multiple columns, which contain the content given by the multiple arguments and are displayed column by column with the previous columns remaining on the slide (only if not in handout-mode).
  • \leftorright{<left>}{<right>}, \leftmiddleorright{<left>}{<middle>}{<right>}
    Splits the frame into multiple columns, which contain the content given by the multiple arguments and are displayed column by column individually with a blank frame in between (only if not in handout-mode).
    Hint: This only works if the recording mode is enabled via \recordingtrue, otherwise it will act the same as \leftthenright or \leftmiddlethenright.

Color Boxes

The following colorboxes can be used for writing definitions, examples and notes. The each consist of a title and a content part.

  • \mydefinition{<title>}{<content>}
  • \myexample{<title>}{<content>}
  • \mynote{<title>}{<content>}

Other Functionalities

  • Table of contents: At the begin of each section, a frame with a table of contents is automatically generated as a section overview. Only the subsections of the current sections are shown and the other sections are displayed shaded.
  • Easy Navigation in Slides: A click on the title or subtitle in the slide footer leads to a jump to the title slide. A click on the section title brings you to the section overview, from which you can jump to the single sections and subsections.
  • Auto-Scaling: Frame titles that are longer than the width of the frame are scaled down automatically. This can avoid annoying linebreaks for a single character or word.
  • Recording mode: This theme comes with a optional recording mode. In this mode, the animations for the content layouts \leftorright and \leftmiddleorright are different. Each column that is generated by those layouts is displayed individually one after another with a blank slide in between. That way, the presenter can walk over to the other side of the frame if recording in front of the slides.
    The recording mode can be enabled using the command \recordingtrue.