EamonTracey's Stars
Ansible Galaxy Server - Issues on https://forum.ansible.com Docs on https://galaxy-ng.readthedocs.io/
Elegant tweak development in pure Swift
A drop-in replacement for the iOS 14 @AppStorage property wrapper compatible with iOS 13
This repository contains all (Python 3) code and libraries required for the 2022-2023 Notre Dame Rocketry Team (NDRT) Apogee Control System (ACS). It also contains sensor/actuator example code and flight data.
HoleForest is a terminal-based tool for performing bulk and specific classification tasks on LIGO glitch metadata using a random forest model. It comes pre-packaged with a default model trained on the o3a and o3b LIGO datasets but has the capacity to train and use a new model given a user-provided glitch dataset in csv format.