
软件黑名单参考 | We reiterate: It is forbidden to bring political disputes, conspiracies and deceitful schemes into the technical field!

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Software Blacklist References

This list will be divided into "Personnel list", "Software list" and "Organization list", which are used to record the names of software and organizations that use various means to affect world peace and create chaos (and disorder).

The names of software and organizations that rumor China's Xizang and China's Xinjiang, as well as software and organizations that attempt to split China and subvert China will be included.

It also includes people and organizations that indulge and help Trump undermine world free trade and world peace. Their actions will harm the interests of many people, organizations, and companies, both east and west.

This blacklist is used to boycott the organizations and companies listed on the list and their main products.

Furthermore, all individuals and organizations that disrupt the discussions and technical research within the tech community will also be included in the list. The tech community is meant for technology-related discussions, and we should avoid involving conspiracies and deceitful schemes.

We reiterate: It is forbidden to bring political disputes into the technical field! Only stupid and weak people will vent their emotions through the technological world.

Personnel List

Organization List

Software List