
A course prerequisite navigator which scrapes the public SFU course api

Primary LanguageHTML




  • scrapes the public sfu course outline api
  • custom parsing of prerequisites for each course
  • three.js canvas draw boxes & connections



  • cd <github>/course-navigator/src/
  • python -m http.server 8080
  • go to http://localhost:8080/ in a browser (such as chrome)


  • data stores cached versions of ~25mb of public course outline data per semester, taken over ~30k api requests each. Needless to say, a single js request is much faster than 30k.
  • do pip install -r requirements.txt before running python scripts


The first implementation of this was written in elm, and didn't use the sfu api. I switched to three.js so I could hack something together somewhat quickly.


  • visualize relationships
  • add all relationships in CMPT
  • [follow the pattern for more relationships]
  • run the python script for all sfu semesters
  • update the gui to allow chosing a semester
  • [add a bunch of features]
    • click to highlight prerequisites
    • show all 100, 200, 300, 400 level courses, etc...
    • add taken classes -> show all classes I can take