
Custom signet creation script

Primary LanguagePython

Custom Easepay Bitcoin Signet Setup script


This repository contains a Docker setup for running a custom Bitcoin Signet. Signet is a test network (testnet) for Bitcoin, allowing developers to test Bitcoin applications and experiments without risking real funds and without the unpredictability of the public testnet.

The provided Dockerfile and scripts automate the process of setting up a custom Signet, generating necessary keys and configuration, and running a Bitcoin node configured for this custom Signet. Please Note most of the testing framework and miner scripts from bitcoincore has been modified to allow quicker blocker confirmation and easy usage on docker.


Some of the Inspiration for this works comes from

  1. Bitpollo

  2. Bitcoin-wiki

🛠 Enviroment variables

⛏ Mining Configuration:

  • BLOCKPRODUCTIONDELAY: Sleep period between mining blocks. Defaults to a specified value. (mining mode only)

  • If ~/.bitcoin/BLOCKPRODUCTIONDELAY.txt is present, this value will be used, allowing dynamic changes.

  • MINERENABLED: Flag to enable the mining chain. (mining mode only)

  • NBITS: Sets the minimum difficulty in mining. (mining mode only)

  • PRIVKEY: Private key of the Signet signer. If MINERENABLED=1 and not provided, it will be generated. (mining mode only)

  • MINETO: Address to mine to. If not provided, a new address will be generated for each block. (mining mode only)

  • SIGNETCHALLENGE: Sets the valid block producer for this Signet. Required for client-mode. If MINERENABLED=1 and not provided, it will be generated. If provided, PRIVKEY must also be populated.

🌐 RPC Configuration:

  • RPCUSER: bitcoind RPC User.
  • RPCPASSWORD: bitcoind RPC password.

📡 ZMQ Configuration:

  • ZMQPUBRAWBLOCK: bitcoind setting.
  • ZMQPUBRAWTX: bitcoind setting.
  • ZMQPUBHASHBLOCK: bitcoind setting.

🌍 Network Configuration:

  • UACOMMENT:UA comment displayed from bitcoin-cli -netinfo printout

🔧 Additional Configuration:

  • RPCBIND: bitcoind setting.
  • RPCALLOWIP: bitcoind setting.
  • WHITELIST: bitcoind setting.
  • ADDNODE: Add seeding node location. Use comma-separation for multiple nodes. Needed for client-mode.
  • EXTERNAL_IP: Add public IP/onion endpoint information. Use comma-separation for multiple IPs.


  • Custom Signet Configuration: Allows creating a private Signet with custom consensus rules.
  • Automated Key and Script Generation: Automatically generates the necessary keys and block script for the Signet.
  • Dockerized Environment: Ensures a consistent and isolated environment for running the Bitcoin node.
  • Block Mining Capabilities: Includes scripts to mine blocks on the custom Signet.
  • Log tailing: provides a scripts that allows you to view the logs of your custom signet Node


  • Docker
  • Git (for cloning the repository)
  • Some networking skills
  • Basic understanding of shell
  • Basic knowledge on How to run a Bitcoin node

Repository Contents

  • Dockerfile: Instructions for building the Docker image with Bitcoin Core and necessary dependencies.

  • generate_signet.sh: Shell script to set up the custom Signet, generate keys, define the block script, and start the Bitcoin node.

  • bitcoin.conf: Bitcoin.conf file for our signet setup that contains our signetchallenge

  • logtail.sh: Logtail.sh script to monitor all debugs log generated by our Node

  • bashrc: helper script to help use bitcoin-cli inside a shell.

  • miner.py: Python script used for mining blocks on the custom Signet.

  • docker-entrypoint.sh: An entry point for our dockerfile

  • rpcauth.py: A python script for generating RPCUSERNAME AND RPCPASSWORD credentials

  • install.sh: A shell script for installing necessary keys and start up scripts for our custom node. this contains the gen-signet-keys, gen-bitcoind.conf and setup-signet.sh script


Setup and Usage

Building the Docker Image

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Navigate to the root of the repository directory.

  3. Build the Docker image: docker build -t bitcoin-signet .

4. Running the docker Image build in Step 3:

To run the image without hitting some gotcha moment, i find it imperative to explain in more details the approach i took that got me here, Especailly for those trying to run a custom signet for the very first time. This repository is built to be highly customizable, which means you can swap a lot of things out and replace with your own implementation and it would still work. but some things you need to do after building the image would almost always remain the same.

  • there is no need to provide a rpcusername and rpcpassword, the script would set to the default what it finds in your env file and if you build and run the image without passing docker -env flag it would use the defualt values it finds on dockerfile.

  • if you want to set a custom username and password for your rpc credentials , you would have to run the rpcauth.py seperately and pass in the username and password you want. e.g chmod +x ./rpcauth.py and ./rpcauth.py myusername mypassword. its possible to only run this script without passing in the password parameter and allow the script to generate a salted hash password for you.

  • if you are part of a team, there would be no need to run the gen-signet-keys seperately to get access to signetchallenge parameters as this would be provided to you by your administrator. if you are a Team Lead or Administrator, you would have to generate a signetchallenge by either running this script seperately or echoing it out to the terminal once you run the docker image. this would be available in the logs printed out when this image starts. if you take this later approach, you would have to stop the image and feed this challenge to your env file and rebuild the image again.

  • As an administrator, there is no need to set up a bitcoin.conf file to run this image, though it is possible for you to do this, when the setup script cannot find a bitcoin.conf file, it would generate one by using the gen-bitcoind-conf script and using the default values found here. As part of a team, one is required, for you to be able to join the Node network your Team Lead or administrator would provide the credentials needed, which would include the signetchallene, rpcusername, rpcpassword among other networking credentials needed to successfully join his Node.

  • As an administrator, the Mine.sh scripts gives you access to the NBITS value, this is set to default value and can be adusted by you depeding on your computational resources. i would suggest the NBITS value remains as it is, as there is no interest in adjusting it.

  • Please do not confuse the NBITS value to mean thesame thing as the PRODUCTIONDELAY VALUE found in your env. The productiondelay value specifies just the time it would take generate a new block, why the NBITS value is the difficulty it takes to mine a block. the PRODUCTIONDELAY can be adjusted as you deemed fit, depending on how quickly you want new blocks to be generated. I have set this time to 600secs which is apporiximately 10 minutes as it is on mainnet. but you can adjust this time as you seem fit.

PLEASE NOTE Adjusting the Bitcoin version in dockerfile to work with descriptors is possible, and to load newer version of bitcoin wallet, if you do this, you would have to rework the setup-signet.sh script to accomodate this. i couldn't get it to work. Also updating the bitcoin version to 26 breaks the wallet functionality. I have not been able to get this done. still a (WIP). If you can get these two things done, send a PR i would love to see how you get it to work.

Running the Custom Signet Node

docker run --env-file .env -d --name bitcoin-signet-instance bitcoin-signet

This command assumes that your env file is located at the root of your project directory.

The setup_signet.sh script will execute within the container, setting up the custom Signet and starting the Bitcoin node.


  • The full setup script would first start bitcoind in regtest mode, generate the key pair, construct the signetchallenge with the new public key,
  • Create the bitcoin.conf with this signetchallenge, and then restart bitcoind in Signet mode with the new configuration.

Accessing the Node

  • The Bitcoin node's JSON-RPC interface will be available on port 38332 of the host machine... This would be deployed for easy connection for all team members who need to interact with it.

  • The Bitcoin P2P network for this Signet operates on port 38333.

Customizing the Signet

You can modify the gen_signet-key.sh script to change the Signet parameters, such as the block signing keys or other consensus rules.

Security Considerations

This setup is intended for development and testing purposes only. Do not use it with real funds or sensitive data. it is your responsibility to ensure appropriate security measures are in place if exposing the node to public networks.


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please ensure that any changes are tested with the Docker setup before submitting a pull request.