2020 Spring IC Design Lab Final Project, NTUEE
We implemented the edge part of Dade Toonify1 in verilog. The color is quite simple, apply median filter and gaussian filter on the image pixels R, G, B. Quantize the colors to desired number. We decide to implement this part with python. Combine the above two, we can create cartoon effect on any image.
is the top module, and all sub-modules have their own directories. In Testbench/pattern
, contains input patterns and out_golden, which are generated with Testbench/bitwise_split.py
We load in 20 * 20 pixels of gray scale image per tile. In this implementation, we aim to process image of size 900 * 600 pixels, which requires 1350 tiles. You can change the INPUT_TILE
in CHIP/CHIP_tb.v
along with the in/out patterns for different size of images.
The output is 1 or 0, indicating a edge or not. IO_process/out.py
takes the output of the circuit and re-construct an image only with edge.
Change the current pixel to the median of its adjacent pixels. Get rid of too much details, which would cause too many redundant edges.
Current pixel become the result of convolution with a 5x5 gaussian filter. Smooth the image, also prevent too many edges.
Find the magnitude and the direction of gradient of the current pixel with sobel operators.
After previous steps, the edge becomes blur, non-maximum suppression can make the edge thinner.
Double threshold and Hysteresis combined, link the edges into a continuous line, and delete isolated small edges.
ncverilog +access+r -f files.f
change pattern path, input tile number in CHIP/CHIP_tb.v
python3 bitTrue_full.py <image_fname> <output_dir>
generate the entire edge_image and store in the created directory output/<output_dir>
modify file
to True
to generate out_golden for every step in directory debug
for debugging
python3 bitTrue_split.py <image_fname> <output_dir>
split the image into 20 * 20 pixels
generate out_golden and input_pixels in pattern/<output_dir>
python3 out.py <chip_out_fname> <reconstructed_fname> <image_width> <image_height>
reconstruct edge_image from ouptut of CHIP.v