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Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


This is KillerBee - Framework and Tools for Attacking ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks.

Copyright 2009, Joshua Wright jwright@willhackforsushi.com. Copyright 2010-2015, Ryan Speers ryan@riverloopsecurity.com Ricky Melgares ricky@riverloopsecurity.com

All Rights Reserved.

Distributed under a BSD license, see LICENSE for details.


KillerBee is developed and tested on Linux systems. Windows support may be added in the future.

We have striven to use a minimum number of software dependencies, however, it is necessary to install the following Python modules before installation:

  • serial
  • usb
  • crypto (for some functions)
  • pygtk (for use of tools that have GUIs)
  • cairo (for use of tools that have GUIs)

On Ubuntu systems, you can install the needed dependencies with the following command line:

# apt-get install python-gtk2 python-cairo python-usb python-crypto python-serial python-dev libgcrypt-dev

The last two dependencies (python-dev and libgcrypt) are required for the Scapy Extension Patch (thanks to Spencer McIntyre for the patch).

Also note that this is a fairly advanced and un-friendly attack platform. This is not Cain & Abel. It is intended for developers and advanced analysts who are attacking ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks. I recommend you gain some understanding of the ZigBee protocol (the book ZigBee Wireless Networks and Transceivers by Shahin Farahani at http://bit.ly/2I5ppI is reasonable, though still not great) and familiarity with the Python language before digging into this framework.


KillerBee uses the standard Python 'setup.py' installation file. Install KillerBee with the following command:

# python setup.py install


The directory structure for the KillerBee code is described as follows:

  • doc - HTML documentation on the KillerBee library, courtesy of epydoc.
  • firmware - Firmware for supported KillerBee hardware devices.
  • killerbee - Python library source.
  • sample - Sample packet captures, referenced below.
  • scripts - Shell scripts used in development.
  • tools - ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 attack tools developed using this framework.


The KillerBee framework is being expanded to support multiple devices. Currently there is support for the Atmel RZ RAVEN USB Stick, the MoteIV Tmote Sky, and the TelosB mote. Support for Freaklab's Freakduino with added hardware and the Dartmouth arduino sketch as well as for the Zena Packet Analyzer board are in development.

For the MoteIV Tmote Sky or TelosB mode: This device can be loaded with firmware via USB. Attach the device, and then within killerbee/firmware, run: ./goodfet.bsl --telosb -e -p gf-telosb-001.hex

For the Atmel RZ RAVEN USB Stick: (http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=4396). This hardware is convenient as the base firmware is open source with a freely-available IDE. The KillerBee firmware for the RZ RAVEN included in the firmware/ directory is a modified version of the stock firmware distributed by Atmel to include attack functionality.

The RZ RAVEN USB Stick is available from common electronics resellers for approximately $40/USD:

The stock firmware shipped with this hardware allows you to leverage the passive functionality included in the KillerBee tools and framework (such as receiving frames), but does not allow you to do packet injection, or to impersonate devices on the network.

In order to get the full functionality included in KillerBee, the RZ RAVEN USB Stick must be flashed with the custom firmware included in the firmware/ directory. This process requires additional hardware and software:

  • Hardware: Atmel RZ Raven USB Stick (RZUSBSTICK)
  • Hardware: Atmel AVR Dragon On-Chip Programmer (ATAVRDRAGON)
  • Hardware: Atmel 100-mm to 50-mm JTAG Standoff Adapter (ATAVR-SOAKIT)
  • Hardware: 50mm male-to-male header (Digi-Key part S9015E-05)
  • Hardware: 10-pin (2x5) 100-mm female-to-female ribbon cable (Digi-Key part H3AAH-1018G-ND)
  • Software: AVRDUDE (http://winavr.sourceforge.net for Windows or http://www.nongnu.org/avrdude for Linux)
  • Software: KillerBee Firmware for the RZUSBSTICK
  • A Windows or Linux system for programming the RZ Raven USB Stick (one time operation)

For Windows users, install the AVR Dragon drivers provided with the libusb-win32 software (http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32). Download and extract the zip file, then launch the libusb-win32 "inf-wizard.exe" executable. Connect the AVR Dragon to a USB port and click Next in the wizard to detect and identify the USB vendor ID and product ID 0x03EB and 0x2107 for the AVRDRAGON. Complete the wizard by clicking Next, then Finish to install the drivers. When prompted by Windows, click "Install This Driver Sofware Anyway".

Download the RZ Raven USB Stick firmware from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/riverloopsec/killerbee/master/firmware/kb-rzusbstick-002.hex. Copy the firmware file to the directory where you extracted the AVRDUDE software. Note: We are suggesting the -002 version now as some people report that -001 does not work on newer RZUSBSTICK versions. Change the filenames in the example commands below.

Connect the AVR Dragon programmer to the ribbon cable, and connect the 100-mm to 50-mm adapter with the header. Prepare your terminal to flash the RZ Raven USB stick by entering the following command at a command prompt (but don't hit enter yet):

avrdude -P usb -c dragon_jtag -p usb1287 -B 10 -U flash:w:kb-rzusbstick-001.hex

Insert the header into the RZ Raven USB Stick with pin 1 closest to the LEDs (farthest from the USB connector). You could solder it in place, but we don't bother. Just hold it at an angle so all the pins make contact and hit enter where you typed the AVRDUDE comand. You should see output similar to the following:

C:\avrdude>avrdude -P usb -c dragon_jtag -p usb1287 -B 10 -U flash:w:kb-rzusbstick-001.hex

avrdude: jtagmkII_initialize(): warning: OCDEN fuse not programmed, single-byte EEPROM updates not possible
avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions
Reading | #################################################| 100% 0.05s
avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9782
avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
         To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
avrdude: erasing chip
avrdude: jtagmkII_initialize(): warning: OCDEN fuse not programmed, single-byte EEPROM updates not possible
avrdude: reading input file "kb-rzusbstick-001.hex"
avrdude: input file kb-rzusbstick-001.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: writing flash (26778 bytes):
Writing | #################################################| 100% 3.44s
avrdude: 26778 bytes of flash written
avrdude: verifying flash memory against kb-rzusbstick-001.hex:
avrdude: load data flash data from input file kb-rzusbstick-001.hex:
avrdude: input file kb-rzusbstick-001.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
avrdude: input file kb-rzusbstick-001.hex contains 26778 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:
Reading | #################################################| 100% 3.79s
avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 26778 bytes of flash verified
avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK
avrdude done.  Thank you.

It should only take a few seconds to complete. For a more detailed, picture-rich set of instructions, grab a copy of Hacking Exposed Wireless 3rd Edition (chapter 14). Alternatively, if you are able to catch us at a conference, bring your RZ RAVEN USB Stick and we'll happily flash it for you.


KillerBee includes several tools designed to attack ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 networks, built using the KillerBee framework. Each tool has its own usage instructions documented by running the tool with the "-h" argument, and summarized below.

  • zbopenear - Assists in data capture where devices are operating on multiple channels or fast-frequency-hopping. It assigns multiple interfaces sequentially across all channels.
  • zbassocflood - Repeatedly associate to the target PANID in an effort to cause the device to crash from too many connected stations.
  • zbconvert - Convert a packet capture from Libpcap to Daintree SNA format, or vice-versa.
  • zbdsniff - Captures ZigBee traffic, looking for NWK frames and over-the-air key provisioning. When a key is found, zbdsniff prints the key to stdout. The sample packet capture sample/zigbee-network-key-ota.dcf can be used to demonstrate this functionality.
  • zbdump - A tcpdump-like took to capture IEEE 802.15.4 frames to a libpcap or Daintree SNA packet capture file. Does not display real-time stats like tcpdump when not writing to a file.
  • zbfind - A GTK GUI application for tracking the location of an IEEE 802.15.4 transmitter by measuring RSSI. Zbfind can be passive in discovery (only listen for packets) or it can be active by sending Beacon Request frames and recording the responses from ZigBee routers and coordinators. If you get a bunch of errors after starting this tool, make sure your DISPLAY variable is set properly. If you know how to catch these errors to display a reasonable error message, please drop me a note.
  • zbgoodfind - Implements a key search function using an encrypted packet capture and memory dump from a legitimate ZigBee or IEEE 802.15.4 device. This tool accompanies Travis Goodspeed's GoodFET hardware attack tool, or other binary data that could contain encryption key information such as bus sniffing with legacy chips (such as the CC2420). Zbgoodfind's search file must be in binary format (obj hexfile's are not supported). To convert from the hexfile format to a binary file, use the objcopy tool: objcopy -I ihex -O binary mem.hex mem.bin
  • zbid - Identifies available interfaces that can be used by KillerBee and associated tools.
  • zbreplay - Implements a replay attack, reading from a specified Daintree DCF or libpcap packet capture file, retransmitting the frames. ACK frames are not retransmitted.
  • zbstumbler - Active ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 network discovery tool. Zbstumbler sends beacon request frames out while channel hopping, recording and displaying summarized information about discovered devices. Can also log results to a CSV file.
  • zbwardrive - Discovers available interfaces and uses one to inject beacon requests and listen for respones across channels. Once a network is found on a channel, it assigns another device to continuously capture traffic on that channel to a PCAP file. Scapy must be installed to run this.
  • zbscapy - Provides an interactive Scapy shell for interacting via a KillerBee interface. Scapy must be installed to run this.
  • zbwireshark - Similar to zbdump but exposes a named pipe for real-time capture and viewing in Wireshark.

Additional tools, that are for special cases or are not stable, are stored in the Api-Do project repository: http://code.google.com/p/zigbee-security/


KillerBee is designed to simplify the process of sniffing packets from the air interface or a supported packet capture file (libpcap or Daintree SNA), and for injecting arbitrary packets. Helper functions including IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee NWK and ZigBee APS packet decoders are available as well.

The KillerBee API is documented in epydoc format, with HTML documentation in the doc/ directory of this distribution. If you have epydoc installed, you can also generate a convenient PDF for printing, if desired, as shown:

$ cd killerbee
$ mkdir pdf
$ epydoc --pdf -o pdf killerbee/

The pdf/ directory will have a file called "api.pdf" which includes the framework documentation.

To get started using the KillerBee framework, take a look at the included tools (zbdump and zbreplay are good examples to get started) and the simple test cases in the t/ directory.

Since KillerBee is a Python library, it integrates well with other Python software as well. For example, the Sulley library is a fuzzing framework written in Python by Pedram Amini. Using the Sulley mutation features and KillerBee's packet injection features, it is staightforward to build a mechanism for generating and transmitting malformed ZigBee data to a target.


Please drop us a note:

The original version was written by: jwright@willhackforsushi.com

The current version, fixes, etc are handled by: ryan@riverloopsecurity.com


A word of thanks to several folks who helped out with this project:

  • Travis Goodspeed
  • Mike Kershaw (dragorn)
  • Chris Wang (aikiba)
  • Nick DePetrillo
  • Ed Skoudis
  • Matt Carpenter
  • Sergey Bratus (research support at Dartmouth)
  • Jeff Spielberg