Car Rent DApp - README

Welcome to the Car Rent DApp! This decentralized application (DApp) is designed for car rental ventures, providing a streamlined process for users to hire cars. Car owners can set their own hire rates, and the admin plays a crucial role in approving suitable cars for hire, ensuring the company's image is protected.


  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Car Listing: Car owners can list their vehicles for hire as well end user
  • Deployed contract wallet address which is the admin approve and reject cars that are not suitable fo the company
  • Transaction History Users can view their previous transactions with address they have transact with
  • Real-time Availability-Instant updates on car availability, users can check if a particular car is currently on hire
  • Payment Handling: Secure payment processing, users can only hire a car if the previous user has completed the payment.


CarRent is a project that utilizes the Toastify, RainbowKit, and Smart Contract technologies with Next.js.


To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the development server: npm run dev


Once the project is running, you can access it in your browser at http://localhost:3000. Here are some usage examples:

  • Connect your wallet
  • Navigate to Hire cars on your navbar
  • Rent a car of your choice
  • Make payment and View rental history


If you would like to contribute to CarRent, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m 'Add new feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-feature
  5. Submit a pull request

Explaining the smart contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

// Importing AccessControl for role management.
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";

// Interface for interacting with an ERC-20 token.
interface IERC20Token {
    function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool);
    function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool);
    function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool);
    function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
    function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256);
    function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint256);

    event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
    event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);

// CarBooking contract managing car rentals and approvals.
contract CarBooking is AccessControl {
    // Address of the Celo Dollar token.
    address internal cUsdTokenAddress = 0x874069Fa1Eb16D44d622F2e0Ca25eeA172369bC1;

    // Address of the administrator.
    address admin;
    // Number of cars and rents for tracking.
    uint256 public carLength;
    uint256 public rentLength;

    // Enum defining car status (not accepted, accepted, out of service).
    enum CarStatus {

    // Enum defining order status (open, in progress, cancelled, completed).
    enum OrderStatus {

Explanation of Imports and Contract Structure:

  • The contract imports AccessControl for role management.
  • An interface IERC20Token is defined for interacting with an ERC-20 token.
  • CarBooking manages car rentals and approvals.
    // Struct representing a car rental.
    struct Rent {
        uint256 carID;
        address carAddress;
        address BookingAcount;
        string name;
        string destination;
        uint256 amount;
        bool paid;

    // Struct representing a car.
    struct Car {
        address payable owner;
        address admin;
        string model;
        string image;
        string plateNumber;
        uint256 bookingPrice;
        uint256 rentCar;
        CarStatus carStatus;
        OrderStatus orderStatus;
        Rent[] carRent; // Store the indices of rents for this car

Explanation of Structs:

  • Structs Rent and Car define the structure of car rentals and cars.
    // Constructor initializes the contract and grants admin role to the deployer.
    constructor() {
        _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
        admin = msg.sender;

    // Modifier ensuring only the admin can call a function.
    modifier onlyAdmin() {
        require(hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender), "Only admin can call this function");
    // Mapping associating car ID with car details.
    mapping (uint256 => Car) public cars;

Explanation of Constructor, Modifier, and Mapping:

  • The constructor initializes the contract and grants the admin role.
  • Modifier onlyAdmin restricts certain functions to the admin.
  • The cars mapping associates a unique ID with each car, storing details about each car.
    // Function to add a new car with specified details.
    function addCar(string memory _model, string memory _imageCar, string memory _plateNumber, uint256 _bookingPrice) public {
        Car storage newCar = cars[carLength];
        newCar.owner = payable(msg.sender);
        newCar.admin = admin;
        newCar.model = _model;
        newCar.image = _imageCar;
        newCar.plateNumber = _plateNumber;
        newCar.bookingPrice = _bookingPrice;

Explanation of addCar Function:

  • The addCar function allows the addition of a new car with specified details.
  • It creates a new car instance with the provided details and increments carLength.
    // Function to approve a car for usage.
    function carApprove(uint256 _carId) public onlyAdmin {
        Car storage car = cars[_carId];
        require(car.carStatus == CarStatus.NOTACCEPT, "Car did not meet the service standards or already accepted");
        car.carStatus = CarStatus.ACCEPTED;

Explanation of carApprove Function:

  • The carApprove function approves a car for usage.
  • It checks if the car is not already accepted and meets service standards.
  • If conditions are met, it updates the car status to "ACCEPTED."
    // Function to reject a previously accepted car.
    function rejectCar(uint256 _carId) public onlyAdmin {
        Car storage car = cars[_carId];
        require(car.carStatus == CarStatus.ACCEPTED, "Car not accepted");
        car.carStatus = CarStatus.NOTACCEPT;

Explanation of rejectCar Function:

  • The rejectCar function rejects a previously accepted car.
  • It checks if the car is already accepted before updating the status to "NOTACCEPT."
    // Function to mark an accepted car as out of service.
    function outOfServiceCar(uint256 _carId) public onlyAdmin {
        Car storage car = cars[_carId];
        require(car.carStatus == CarStatus.ACCEPTED, "Car is not approved");
        car.carStatus = CarStatus.OUT_OF_SERVICE;

Explanation of outOfServiceCar Function:

  • The outOfServiceCar function marks an accepted car as out of service.
  • It checks if the car is approved before updating the status to "OUT_OF_SERVICE."
    // Function to add a new car rental.
    function addRent(uint256 _carID, string memory _name, string memory _destination) public {
        require(_carID < carLength, "Invalid Car index");
        Car storage car = cars[_carID];
        require(car.carStatus == CarStatus.ACCEPTED, "Car is not approved for usage");
        require(car.orderStatus == OrderStatus.OPEN, "Car is already on hire");
        Rent memory newRent = Rent({
            carID: _carID,
            carAddress: car.owner,
            BookingAcount: msg.sender,
            name: _name,
            destination: _destination,
            amount: car.bookingPrice,
            paid: false

        cars[_carID].orderStatus = OrderStatus.INPROGRESS; 

Explanation of addRent Function:

  • The addRent function enables a user to rent a car.
  • It checks if the car is approved for usage and not already on hire.
  • If conditions are met, a new rent instance is created, and the car's order status is updated to "INPROGRESS."
    // Function to get details of a specific car.
    function getCars(uint256 _index) public view returns (
        address, address, string memory, string memory,
        string memory, uint256,
    ) {
        Car storage car = cars[_index];
        return (

Explanation of getCars Function:

  • The getCars function retrieves details of a specific car using its index.
  • It returns relevant information such as owner, model, image, etc.
    // Function to get details of a specific car rental.
    function getRent(uint256 _index) public view returns (
        string memory,
        string memory,
    ) {
        Car storage car = cars[_index];
        return (

Explanation of getRent Function:

  • The getRent function retrieves details of a specific car rental using its index.
  • It returns information such as car ID, customer address, rental amount, etc.
    // Function to get the total number of cars.
    function getCarLength() public view returns(uint256) {
        return carLength;

Explanation of getCarLength Function:

  • The getCarLength function returns the total number of cars.
    // Function to get the total number of car rentals.
    function getRentLength() public view returns(uint256) {
        return rentLength;

Explanation of getRentLength Function:

  • The getRentLength function returns the total number of car rentals.
    // Function for processing car rental payment.
    function carRentPayment(uint256 _index) external payable {
        Car storage car = cars[_index];
        require(msg.sender == car.carRent[_index].BookingAcount, "Must be the owner");
         ), "Transfer failed");
        car.carRent[_index].paid = true;
        cars[_index].orderStatus = OrderStatus.OPEN; 

Explanation of carRentPayment Function:

  • The carRentPayment function processes car rental payment.
  • It ensures that the caller is the owner of the rental.
  • Transfers the rental amount using the Celo Dollar token and updates the payment status and order status.