Project Documentation

Welcome to the documentation for the project. This document provides an overview of the functionality and usage instructions for managing credentials in the system.

This project is a classic scheme based on the SSI (self-sovereign identity) methodology, implemented inside an ICP canister. The scheme allows a user to register on the network as an issuer, register their public key, and issue verifiable credentials from their public key to identity holders. The project also includes basic functions for verifiers to directly obtain the credential by ID and check the validity of the credential's timestamp. Thus, we implement the classic trust-triangle consisting of the three main SSI entities: issuer, identity holder, and verifier.

Getting Started

To issue your first credential, you need to first register your public key in the issuerDB database. After this step, you can call the issueCredential function to issue a credential to the identityHolder.

A credential has the following structure:

type Credential = Record<{
    did: string; // id
    issuer: string; // public key of the issuer
    identityHolder: string; // public key of the identity holder
    body: string; // JSON body of the credential
    title: string // title of the credential
    standard: string; // custom or link to the credential standard
    type: string; // KYC, balance check, and another
    dateIssued: nat64; // date issued
    validTime: nat64; // the validity time of the credential

Credential Management Functions

Query Functions

  • checkCredentialDateValidity(did: string): Check the validity of a credential based on the validTime parameter and the current time.

  • getAllCredentialDatabase(): Retrieve all current credentials stored in the database.

  • getCredential(did: string): Get a specific credential by providing its did (Decentralized Identifier).

  • getIssuersDB(): Retrieve the entire database of registered issuers.

Update Functions

  • registerIssuerAddress(address: string): Register the public address of an issuer.

  • issueCredential(credentialPayload: CredentialPayload): Issue a credential to an identityHolder. Make sure to register your public key before issuing a credential.

  • deleteCredential(did: string): Delete a credential specified by its did.