
markdown-it js library rewritten in rust

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


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Rust port of popular markdown-it.js library.


  • if you want to get result fast, use pulldown-cmark
  • if you want to render GFM exactly like github, use comrak
  • if you want to define your own syntax (like @mentions, :emoji:, custom html classes), use this library

You can check a demo in your browser (it's Rust compiled into WASM).


  • 100% CommonMark compatibility
  • AST
  • Source maps (full support, not just on block tags like cmark)
  • Ability to write your own syntax of arbitrary complexity
    • to prove this point, CommonMark syntax itself is written as a plugin


let parser = &mut markdown_it::MarkdownIt::new();

let ast  = parser.parse("Hello **world**!");
let html = ast.render();

// prints "<p>Hello <strong>world</strong>!</p>"

For a guide on how to extend it, see examples folder.


This is an attempt at making a language-agnostic parser. You can probably parse AsciiDoc, reStructuredText or any other plain text format with this without too much effort. I might eventually write these as proof-of-concept.