
forthebadge forthebadge

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A simple character planner for Project Zomboid built with React.

The goal of this project is to provide a simple interface to configure a character build for Project-Zomboid.

Getting started

Any contribution is welcome! Feel free to open an issue for feature requests or bugs that you may have encounter.


  • NodeJS LTS
  • Visual Studio Code (Or any other editor)
    • If using VSCode, please ensure you have the recommended extensions for better development experience.

Initial setup

After installing all the prerequisites listed in the previous section, follow the following steps to run the project on your computer.

  1. Clone the repository
$ git clone
  1. Install project dependencies
$ cd ProjectZomboidCharacterPlanner
$ npm install
  1. Run the project
$ npm run dev

Once the application is ready and running, navigate to (or http://localhost:5173/)


In the mean time, we are focusing on the application layout and global logic regarding the builds, eg. Occupation and trait selection, exclusion rules, etc...

Once the basics are in place, we are planning to build a back-end that allows you to save and share custom build and even vote for the best builds.