- Bebo에서 만든 OBS game caputre dll
- 현재 dll이라서 exe로 바꿔야함.
This projects provides a Direct Show Capture Filter Service for capturing:
- Direct X and OpenGL games (Direct X, OpenGL)
- desktop capture (Using the Desktop Duplication API) - TODO
- windowed applications (GDI) - TODO (commented out at the moment)
Currently tested on Windows 10 64 bit
- Visual Studio 2015 (C++)
run cmd as Administrator:
regsvr32 BeboGameCapture.DLL
- CaptureType
- "desktop" -> DXGI Desktop Duplication API
- "inject" -> graphics hook injection
- "gdi" -> gdi
- defaults to "inject" for backwards compatibility
WCHAR type = "inject"
WCHAR windowClassName = "TankWindow"
WCHAR windowName = "Overwatch"
DWORD antiCheat = 1
WCHAR type = "gdi"
WCHAR label = "My Favorite window"
QWORD windowHandle = "0xdeadbeefdeadbeef"
WCHAR windowClassName = "TankWindow"
WCHAR windowName = "Overwatch"
WCHAR exeFullName = "C:\\Program Files(x86)\\whatever\\overwatch.exe"
DWORD once = 0
You may want to build your own copy of libyuv
- last libyuv verion used: 54289f1bb0c78afdab73839c67989527f3237912
- depot tools (for libyuv) https://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools
- also see https://chromium.googlesource.com/libyuv/libyuv/+/master/docs/getting_started.md
set GYP_DEFINES=clang=1 target_arch=x64
gclient config --name src https://chromium.googlesource.com/libyuv/libyuv
gclient sync
cd src
call python tools\clang\scripts\update.py
call gn gen out/Release "--args=is_debug=false is_official_build=true is_clang=true target_cpu=\"x64\""
ninja -v -C out/Release
find libyuv_internal.lib and the include directory
- Really we want to use Chrome / chromium / NW.JS and webRTC to capture all games, but there are some caveats, so we built this for now until webrtc game capture support is seamless and complete
- We started this code based on the Direct Show Desktop Capture Filter: https://github.com/rdp/screen-capture-recorder-to-video-windows-free
- OBS https://obsproject.com is awesome at capturing the frames from a game, so we use that code for capturing frames from games
- All direct show filters make heavy use of the Micosoft DirectShow SDK BaseClasses
- We use the super fast g2log by Kjell Hedstroem for logging
- We use several of the chromium base classes / infrastructure
The source code provied by Pigs in Flight Inc. is licensed under the MIT license.
Different parts of the project are under different licenses depending on their respective origin.
For the full text of the licenses see: LICENSE.TXT antiCheat exeFullName fps id label once type windowClassName windowHandle windowName