
ModelCoder can Automatic generate Objective-C code by JSON string.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


ModelCoder can Automatic generate Objective-C code by JSON string.



  • 1.Installation Homebrew

    If you have homebrew installed, just jump to the second step

      ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
  • 2.Installation objc-run

    If you have objc-run installed, just jump to the third step

      brew install objc-run

    find the objc-run path and Make sure the executable bit is set like this:

      chmod u+x objc-run
  • 3.curl download the main.m

    If you have download the main.m, just jump to the fourth step

      curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhuchaowe/ModelCoder/master/main.m
  • 4.run!!!

      objc-run main.m  className  savePath  http://the.json.url.com keyPath[optional]


  • 1.read from json url

      objc-run main.m Test /Users/easyios/Desktop/objc http://t.cn/RPjToNg
  • 2.read from json file

      objc-run main.m Test /Users/easyios/Desktop/objc /Users/easyios/Desktop/objc/EasyIOS.json
  • 3.read from json for keypath

      objc-run main.m Test /Users/easyios/Desktop/objc http://t.cn/RPjToNg subspecs/xcconfig