The code is based on Hansen's ANSI C implementation of CMA-ES:
- You need the following programs:
- cmake - in order to generate make files (it is only tested with these)
- doxygen - if you want to read the API documentation you could read the comments in each file, but I would rather suggest reading the generated html documentation
- g++ - or any other C++ compiler
- Take five minutes to look at file example1.cpp.
- Compile and run the example programs. Compilation e.g. with the GNU
c++-compiler and run with "./evo1" or "./evo2". Take a look at the output.
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- (optional) Change (increase) problem dimension and/or problem number in the example code.
- Read the generated API documentation! (
- Now you are ready to inspect and edit example2.cpp.
- Make sure that the scale of all objective parameter components of the function is somewhat similar and sigma corresponds to about 1/4 of the respective search intervals.