
EasyDiffraction library user documentation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contains user documentation for the EasyDiffraction library.

CI build status

  • Develop branch
    w3c-develop url-develop
  • Master branch
    w3c-master url-master

Build locally

  • Create virtual environment and activate it (optional)
    python -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Upgrade pip (optional)
    pip install --upgrade pip
  • Install Sphinx documentation generator (if not done already)
    pip install sphinx
  • Install Sphinx book theme (if not done already)
    pip install sphinx-book-theme
  • Install Sphinx MyST-NB extension for Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks (if not done already)
    pip install myst-nb
  • Generate documentation from the files in content/ and places it in public/
    sphinx-build -j 4 -nW --keep-going -b html content/ public/