Computer Aided Instruction

Computer Aided Instruction

This is a computer-aided instruction program designed with a text-to-speech feature to help children learn the spelling of English words in a fun and interactive way.

Getting Started


  1. Java Fx
  2. JDK 1.8
  3. Screen Builder
  4. Netbean

How to get a local copy

Clone repository

  • Copy repository link

  • git clone repositorylink.

    Without netbeans

    • Goto dist folder
    • Double click on 'ComputerAidedInstruction'

    From netbeans

    • Open the folder in netbeans
    • Run

    Note: All .jar libraries can be found in dist/lib folder

Built with

  1. Java
  2. Fxml
  3. Mbrola (Text to speech)
  4. CSS

Code Contributors

  • Ilori Ezekiel (Eazybee)
