
Demonstrating Zipf's Law using the NIV Bible

Primary LanguagePython


Demonstrating Zipf's Law using the NIV Bible


Use Anaconda to copy my environment:

conda env create -f environment.yml

If you don't have Anaconda, feel free to pip install all of the packages.

python preprocess.py will generate a text file, raw_text.txt, from the PDF containing all the text from the Bible, as well as another text file, cleaned_text.txt, stripped of newlines, punctuation, and numbers. This script might take 5-10 minutes to run.

python extract_statistics.py will generate a text file, words.txt, of every word occurring in the Bible (modulo plurals and possessives), as well as a numpy array, frequencies.npy, specifying the frequency of every word at the given index. These files are useful if you want to performa additional statistics on word occurrences in the Bible.

Finally, python plot.py will generate the plot featured in my blog post.